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Posts by Ejaz Ghani

How can India become a manufacturing powerhouse?

India’s manufacturing sector has been stagnant over the past 20 years, in terms of contribution to national output as well as employment generation. In this article, Ejaz Ghani locates the explanati...

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Financing India’s green structural transformation

While India has launched an ambitious green structural transformation programme – with some initial successes to its credit – it is still nascent and there is a need to mobilise more resources. In...

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Reshaping social protection in India

As India has undergone a transformation in recent decades in terms of trends such as poverty reduction, food security and urbanisation, there is a need to also revamp the traditional social protection...

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भारत में उद्यमिता और रोज़गार में लैंगिक असमानताओं का आकलन

आर्थिक विकास सम्पूर्ण कार्यबल के सफल उपयोग पर निर्भर करता है। एजाज़ ग़नी का तर्क है कि लैंगिक समानता न केवल मानवाधिकारों का एक प्रमुख स्तम्भ है, बल्कि उच्च और अधिक समावेशी आर्थिक विकास को बनाए रखने का ए...

  • दृष्टिकोण

क्या रोज़गार के सृजन से भारत में गरीबी कम हो सकती है?

भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में जब लगातार वृद्धि हो रही है, इस बात पर आम सहमति बनी है कि गरीबी को कम करने के लिए अधिक से अधिक नौकरियों का सृजन किया जाना महत्वपूर्ण है। एजाज़ ग़नी उन रुझानों को साझा करते हैं जो...

  • दृष्टिकोण

Assessing gender disparities in entrepreneurship and employment in India

Economic growth depends on successful utilisation of the entire workforce. Ejaz Ghani argues that gender equality is not only a key pillar of human rights, but could be a powerful tool for sustaining ...

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Could job creation be a driver of poverty reduction in India?

While the Indian economy continues to grow, there is a consensus that creating more jobs is vital to reduce poverty. Ejaz Ghani shares trends which suggest that job creation is being driven by cities ...

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The implications of India’s spatial development

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “poverty is the worst form of violence”. In this piece, Ejaz Ghani highlights India’s poverty burden, its regional disparities and convergence thereof. He highlights ho...

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Balancing economic development and climate goals

Although India is on track to meet its target under the Paris Climate Agreement, the fast pace of urbanisation could worsen the problem of climate change. In this post, Ejaz Ghani outlines the policy ...

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Land and financial misallocation in India

Optimising the allocation of factors of production – land, capital and labour - improves productivity. In India, where evidence suggests land is severely misallocated to inefficient manufacturing fi...

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India's energy efficiency

India is the fourth largest energy consumer in the world but is not well endowed with energy resources, making efficiency in energy use very important. This column analyses the spatial dynamics of el...

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Rise of informality in India's tradable manufacturing sector

The vast informal sector in India affects everything from poverty to growth. This column presents new facts on how Indian job growth in manufacturing is concentrated in informal tradable industries, ...

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