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Posts by Lata Gangadharan

वस्तु-रूपी हस्तांतरण : डेडवेट हानि या लाभ?

क्या सामाजिक सहायता के लिए वस्तु-रूप में दिया जाने वाला हस्तांतरण उपभोक्ता की पसंद को सीमित करके ‘डेडवेट लॉस’ की ओर ले जाता है? इस लेख में महाराष्ट्र में हुए एक प्रयोग से प्राप्त निष्कर्षों को प्रस्तु...

  • लेख

In-kind transfers: Deadweight losses or gains?

Do in-kind transfers for social assistance lead to ‘deadweight losses’ by restricting consumer choice? This article presents findings from an experiment in Maharashtra, which involved offering low...

  • Articles

Impact of Elite Capture on the Provision of Public Services

The Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project commonly called JEEViKA, is a community-driven poverty reduction programme with the key aim of improving the social and economic empowerment of the rural poor.

  • IGC Research on India

Citizens' trust in local politicians and implications for good governance

The new state of Telangana was carved out of Andhra Pradesh in June 2014, after a prolonged movement by the people of Telangana region for a separate state. Based on field experiments among citizens ...

  • Articles

Women leaders and deceptive behaviour

Are women in leadership positions more dishonest than men? Based on an artefactual field experiment in rural Bihar, this column finds that women in leadership positions deceive more than men, especia...

  • Articles

Impact of Elite Capture on the Provision of Public Services

This project studies the effectiveness of major Government programmes in JEEViKA (Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project) villages versus others to see whether the presence of self-help groups leads to impro...

  • IGC Research on India

Choosing to be trained: Behavioural restrictions on participation decisions

Widespread unemployment has prompted policymakers to consider introduction of various training programmes that can help workers accumulate additional skills to obtain new jobs and/ or retain current ...

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