Contributor : Profile
Martin Rama is the Chief Economist for the South Asia region of the World Bank, based in Delhi. Before that he was the Director of the World Development Report (WDR) 2013, on Jobs. Previously, for eight years, he was the Lead Economist for Vietnam, based in Hanoi. Prior to moving to operations, he spent 10 years with the research department of the World Bank.
Martin Rama gained his degree in economics from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay) in 1981 and his Ph.D. in macroeconomics from the Université de Paris I (France) in 1985. Back to his home country, Uruguay, he worked in CINVE, the country’s largest think tank. In parallel with his World Bank duties, he was visiting professor at the graduate programme in development economics at the Université de Paris I until 2005.
In 2014 Martín Rama won the Bùi Xuân Phái award, granted by the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture for his book Hà Nội, một chốn rong chơi (Hanoi Promenade).
Posts by Martin Rama
Has China really outperformed India?
It is widely agreed that China has grown much faster than India, and that India has finally taken over in recent years. In this piece, Martin Rama benchmarks the growth performances of the two countri...
Martin Rama
04 June, 2019
- Perspectives
Jobless growth? From speculation to statistical analysis
This column investigates the relationship between economic growth and net job creation in India and South Asia. If economic growth was truly jobless, as is often claimed, labour productivity would be...
Robert C M Beyer
Martin Rama
16 March, 2018
- Articles
What explains the decline in female labour force participation in India?
It is often argued that female labour force participation is declining in India due to rising incomes that allow more women to stay at home, which is the preferred household choice in a predominantly...
Urmila Chatterjee
Rinku Murgai
Martin Rama
13 January, 2017
- Articles