Contributor : Profile
Robin Burgess is a Professor of Economics, a Founder and Academic Director of the International Growth Centre, and a Director of the Economic Organisation and Public Policy Programme all at the London School of Economics. He was brought up in Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, the US, the Philippines and Italy where his father worked as a doctor and his mother as a child nutritionist. He received a B.Sc. in biological sciences from Edinburgh University, a M.Sc. in economics from the LSE and a Ph.D. in economics from Oxford University. His areas of research interest include development economics, public economics, political economy, labor economics and environmental economics.
He has published on a variety of topics – natural disasters, mass media, rural banks, land reform, labor regulation, industrial policy, taxation, poverty and growth. He has been a Visiting Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the National Bureau of Economic Research, Ecole Polytechnique, University College London and the University of California at Berkeley. He is Program Director of the Development Economics Program at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a Member of the Board of the Bureau for Research in the Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER), a member of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), a Fellow of the European Development Research Development Network (EUDN), a member of the Institute for Policy Dialogue (IPR), an Associate Editor of the Economic Journal and is the Founder and Director of the Microeconomics of Growth Research Network. Before joining academia he served as a consultant economist with the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Government of India.
He lives in North London with his wife Bronwen Burgess and daughters Isla Macbeth Burgess and Romilly Belle Burgess.
Posts by Robin Burgess
अच्छी नौकरियों की खोज में सहायता : युगांडा में शोध से प्राप्त साक्ष्य
ऐसी नीतियाँ बनाने के लिए जो श्रम-बाज़ार में प्रवेश करने वाले युवाओं को अच्छी नौकरियों की ओर ले जाएं, नौकरी खोज प्रक्रियाओं को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। यह समझना भी महत्वपूर्ण है कि इनका लाभकारी रोज़गार खोजन...
- Oriana Bandiera Vittorio Bassi Robin Burgess Imran Rasul Munshi Sulaiman Anna Vitali
- 26 अप्रैल, 2024
- लेख
Aiding the search for good jobs: Evidence from Uganda
To design policies that lead young labour-market entrants to good jobs, it is important to understand job search processes and what affects the ability to find gainful employment. Based on an experime...
- Oriana Bandiera Vittorio Bassi Robin Burgess Imran Rasul Munshi Sulaiman Anna Vitali
- 24 April, 2024
- Articles
Should civil servants be allowed to serve in their home areas?
Bureaucrats form an essential part of State capacity. Should they be allowed to serve in their home areas? This article finds that Indian Administrative Service officers assigned to their home states ...
- Marianne Bertrand Robin Burgess Guo Xu
- 08 April, 2019
- Articles
Let Them Buy Light: The Welfare Benefits of Electricity for Rural Households and Enterprises
This project measured the welfare effects of increased access to electricity for rural households and micro-enterprises by letting them buy light. The research design experimentally offers off-grid, s...
- Robin Burgess Michael Greenstone Nicholas Ryan Anant Sudarshan
- 08 August, 2016
- IGC Research on India
Lighting Up Bihar: Electrification to Sustain Economic Growth
This project looks at incentivising consumers to pay for the electricity consumed by the area in Bihar. The intervention specifically links the duration of supply to the payment performance of a group...
- Robin Burgess Nicholas Ryan Anant Sudarshan
- 31 December, 2013
- IGC Research on India
Creating entrepreneurs: A big new idea in development
Can the world’s poorest people become entrepreneurs? This column outlines results from an evaluation of the Ultra Poor programme in Bangladesh, a scheme that the NGO behind it claims is a staggering...
- Oriana Bandiera Robin Burgess Imran Rasul
- 07 January, 2013
- Articles