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Panel discussion: Creating a sustainable growth strategy for India

The previous I4I post presented videos from the first session of the India Sustainable Growth Conference hosted at LSE in May, wherein researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders deliberated on h...

  • Events

लाल में रहते हुए हरित होने के प्रयास

स्वीडन के स्टॉकहोम में 5 से 16 जून, 1972 को आयोजित पहली पर्यावरण संगोष्ठी के परिणामस्वरूप 1973 की 5 जून को 'मात्र एक पृथ्वी' के थीम से मनाए जाने वाले विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस ने एक लम्बी अवधि का सफर तय कर ...

  • दृष्टिकोण

India Sustainable Growth Conference: A recap

India is at the forefront of the global challenge of sustainable growth – adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its adverse effects must take place simultaneously with efforts to alleviate po...

  • Events

Financing India’s green structural transformation

While India has launched an ambitious green structural transformation programme – with some initial successes to its credit – it is still nascent and there is a need to mobilise more resources. In thi...

  • Perspectives

From numbers to impact: Learning from effective data management in Rajasthan

Access to good data is critical for evidence-based decision-making in policy. In this note, Santhosh and Kapur discuss insights from a study of Rajasthan’s experience with collecting, sharing and usin...

  • Notes from the Field

पिछले तीन दशकों में भारत में मोटे अनाज की खपत और व्यापार

गत वर्ष, 2023 को 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कदन्न वर्ष’ के रूप में मनाया गया। जलवायु परिवर्तन के झटकों को देखते हुए बढ़ती जनसँख्या को भविष्य के खाद्य संकट से बचाने में मोटे अनाजों की एक बड़ी भूमिका हो सकती है। कदन...

  • दृष्टिकोण

Determining how many Indians are poor today

Poverty debates in India have seen a revival since the release of a fact sheet from the 2022-23 household consumption expenditure survey. In this post, Ghatak and Kumar note that the general consensus...

  • Perspectives

What does Mission Antyodaya data say about rural deprivation?

Public provisioning of basic facilities such as health and education, remains crucial for marginalised populations. In the context of the decentralised structure of governance and fund allocation in I...

  • Perspectives

Bringing work home: Flexible work arrangements as ‘gateway jobs’ for women

Millions of women stay out of the workforce despite having a desire for paid work, often because available opportunities are incompatible with traditional norms of household roles. Based on an experim...

  • Articles

Does rural electrification cause economic development?

The last unelectrified Indian village is now connected to the grid. Given the large investments required for these infrastructure projects, value-for-money is an important consideration. Examining the...

  • Articles

भारत में निजी ऋण बाज़ार का उद्भव

भारत में पिछले कुछ वर्षों में अपेक्षाकृत उच्च डिफ़ॉल्ट जोखिम वाली छोटी और मध्यम आकार की फर्मों को वित्तपोषण करने वाले निजी ऋण बाज़ार में वृद्धि देखी गई है। इस लेख में दत्ता और सेनगुप्ता उभरते वाणिज्यि...

  • दृष्टिकोण

The silent reshaping of India’s credit landscape

India’s credit landscape has been undergoing major changes in recent years. In this post, Sengupta and Vardhan discuss five key trends – consumerisation of bank credit, decline in bank deposits, growt...

  • Perspectives