Tag Search: “fiscal policy”
Why taxing property is essential for local government accountability
With rapid decentralisation and urbanisation, wealth is increasingly vested and locked up in land and property in India. In their previous article, Kapur and Subramanian emphasised the importance of ...
Devesh Kapur
Arvind Subramanian
03 March, 2014
- Perspectives
Taxation's fatal neglect?
Today, the public discourse on government finances in India is largely focused on spending. This article emphasises the importance of taxes, particularly income tax, in ensuring citizen participation...
Devesh Kapur
Arvind Subramanian
14 February, 2014
- Perspectives
India's unique crisis - a short term fix
While the current turbulence in the Indian economy bears a resemblance to the situation of other emerging economies, it is unique when compared with historical experiences of economic crises. In thei...
Devesh Kapur
Arvind Subramanian
20 December, 2013
- Perspectives
What is mitigating a financial crisis in India?
The recent turmoil in the currency market and the general slowdown in growth in India are disturbing. However, India has by and large performed better in terms of macro-financial stability as compared...
Gurbachan Singh
08 November, 2013
- Articles
Long term recovery of the Indian economy depends on reforms
The Indian economy has been facing challenges in the form of sluggish growth, high inflation, and rising fiscal and current account deficits. This column highlights trends in the economic conditions,...
Sarah Chan
24 April, 2013
- Articles
Boosting shared prosperity in South Asia
Two-thirds of the poor in India and other South Asian countries live in the lagging regions. This column examines whether there are poverty traps that make it difficult to achieve shared prosperity, a...
Ejaz Ghani
Lakshmi Iyer
Saurabh Mishra
04 March, 2013
- Articles
Commodity Taxation in India
This project examine cross‐country comparisons on commodity taxation in Bihar for 1994‐2012. The findings of the project suggested that the VAT reforms went a long way to harmonizing rates...
Monica Singhal
28 February, 2013
- IGC Research on India
A new voice
It is with some trepidation, but with huge excitement, that I present to you Ideas for India – a new voice in the cacophony of conversations on Indian growth and development. Hopefully, this will be a...
Ashok Kotwal
18 July, 2012
- Perspectives
Understanding fiscal capacity in developing economies: Firms as third-party tax enforcers
The difference in tax revenues (as a percentage of GDP) between developed and developing countries has always been consistently large. An IMF report estimates it to be 10-15 percentage points.
Henrik Kleven
Claus Kreiner
Emmanuel Saez
01 March, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Setting Tax Targets: An Experiment for Government of Bihar
The project was conducted on the request of Principal Secretary, Department of Commercial Taxes, Bihar. The main aim of the project was to understand what needs to be done to set district-wise commerc...
Chirashree Das Gupta
Pronay Sarkar
30 April, 2011
- IGC Research on India
The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt Overhang
Developing economies have heterogeneous experiences with growth and openness. This project starts by documenting a core empirical fact: The countries that grow relatively fast do so while reducing sov...
Mark Aguiar
Manuel Amador
31 March, 2011
- IGC Research on India