Tag Search: “healthcare”

Does subsidising publicly provided services discipline markets or distort demand?

Prior research has documented the failure of India’s flagship safe motherhood programme in reducing perinatal mortality, despite substantially increasing the share of mothers delivering at public heal...

  • Articles

Did Covid-19 pandemic increase incidence of low-birth-weight among newborns?

Globally, one in four babies are born with low birth weight, with long-term impacts on health and economic outcomes. This article uses Indian data from 2019-2021 to analyse the impact of the Covid-19 ...

  • Articles

Interim Budget 2024-25: Are we on track to achieve healthcare for all?

The National Health Policy, 2017 set a target of increasing India’s health expenditure to 2.5% of its gross domestic product by 2025. In this post, Sayamsiddha decodes the recently presented Interim B...

  • Perspectives

Women and health in India

This International Women’s Day, I4I Editorial Advisor Nalini Gulati presents a curation of economic research on women’s health in India, encompassing aspects of maternal and child health, gendered acc...

  • Perspectives

Improving healthcare access to address the rise in non-communicable diseases among Indian women

In light of the changing healthcare burden for women, with a rise in mortality due to non-communicable diseases, Bhan and Shukla outline the incidence of diseases in Indian states over the last two de...

  • Perspectives

Second Ashok Kotwal Memorial Lecture: Inequality, Labour and Social Democracy

The Ashok Kotwal Memorial Lecture was instituted in 2022, in memory of our founding Editor-in-Chief, as an annual lecture on key issues of development. For its second edition, I4I hosted Professor Pra...

  • Videos

The ‘invisible’ disability of mental illness: Barriers to social security access

Sakshi Sharda writes about the how a lack of clarity on the assessment and diagnosis of mental health and poor implementation of social security schemes increases the vulnerability of those livings wi...

  • Perspectives

Making menstrual health a welfare priority: Insights from three states

Public policies on menstrual health have mainly focussed on distributing sanitary napkins to women and girls. However, in this note, Tanya Rana shares some insights gained from conversations with fron...

  • Notes from the Field

Bring a friend: Leveraging financial and peer support to improve women’s reproductive agency

In the second of two articles about women’s fertility and family planning, S Anukriti et al. highlight findings which reveal that women are more likely to avail of family planning services if they are...

  • Articles

Convincing the Mummy-ji: Improving mother-in-law approval of family planning in India

In the first of two articles about women’s fertility and family planning, Anukriti et al. discuss the influence that mothers-in-law have on women’s access to family planning services, with them on ave...

  • Articles

How movies impact stigma and choice: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry

Recently educational entertainment is emerging as a platform for addressing public health issues. In this article, Aggarwal, Chakrabarti, and Chatterjee investigate whether movies can destigmatise acc...

  • Articles

Herself, and her child: Are they worse off due to Covid-19?

Lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of Covid-19 led to loss of employment and income. They also created greater food insecurity, with women and children being more vulnerable to such shocks. In t...

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