Tag Search: “energy”
Examining district-level performance of Ujjwala: The case of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
Launched in 2016, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) aims to encourage the adoption of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking. Using National Sample Survey data for 2014 and 2017, this article ex...
Manisha Mukherjee
25 May, 2021
- Articles
Escaping the subsidy-quality trap in India’s retail electricity market
Cross-subsidies in retail electricity tariffs leave distribution utilities with neither the incentive nor the capital to improve reliability, particularly for their most subsidised consumers. Using bi...
Shefali Khanna
Kevin Rowe
19 May, 2021
- Articles
India’s progress in meeting its climate goals
India’s target under the Paris Agreement on climate change, is to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity by 33-35% by 2030, from the 2005 level. In a previous I4I post, Manisha Jain showed that the ...
Manisha Jain
22 April, 2021
- Perspectives
Energy access for marginalised communities: Evidence from rural India
While overall energy access of Indian households has improved rapidly over the past decade, access to clean fuel is still low as compared to electricity. Besides, social structures and hierarchies con...
Namrata Chindarkar
Setu Pelz
Johannes Urpelainen
25 March, 2021
- Articles
Tracking India’s greenhouse gas emission intensity target
One of the targets in India’s ‘Nationally Determined Contributions’ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission intensity of GDP by 33-35%...
Manisha Jain
21 August, 2020
- Perspectives
Covid-19: Green stimulus to revive a comatose economy
The economic impacts of Covid-19 in India are likely to be quite steep. Singh and Mohan contend that any stimulus package to restart the economy has to be ‘green’; it must encourage an economic path t...
Aniruddh Mohan
Madalsa Singh
06 May, 2020
- Perspectives
IGC Panel Discussion: Should electricity be a right?
In September 2019, the International Growth Centre (IGC) hosted a panel discussion in New Delhi to bring together experts to discuss whether a basic minimum quantity of electricity should be available...
Shivani Chowdhry
Rishabh Mahendra
10 February, 2020
- Videos
Is adaptation to climate damages a blessing or curse for developing nations?
Pathways reflecting current climate action commitments by different nations mean a global warming level much higher than the level at which the world will be faced with manageable climate damages. Fur...
Ingmar Schumacher
22 January, 2020
- Perspectives
How much do households contribute to ambient air pollution in India?
Burning solid fuels like firewood in homes for cooking, heating, and other energy services is the single largest source of air pollution exposure in India. In this post, Chowdhury, Chafe, Pillarisetti...
Zoë Chafe
Sourangsu Chowdhury
Sagnik Dey
Sarath Guttikunda
Jos Lelieveld
Ajay Pillarisetti
19 August, 2019
- Articles
Does service quality predict households’ willingness to pay for electricity connections in rural India?
While rural electrification has been a high priority for governments in the developing world, the factors that make individual households more likely to pay for electricity have received insufficient ...
Ryan Kennedy
Aseem Mahajan
Johannes Urpelainen
10 May, 2019
- Articles
The ‘Right to Energy’ and carbon tax: A game changer in India
India's carbon emissions in 2014 were more than three times its level in 1990. While the emissions have increased sharply, their distribution across income groups is extremely skewed. The poor in Indi...
Rohit Azad
Shouvik Chakraborty
22 April, 2019
- Perspectives
Rural electrification and structural transformation: A guar(anteed) bet?
Is large-scale electrification necessary for the structural transformation of rural economies? This article combines two natural experiments in India – an exogenous agricultural boom in the northwest ...
Faraz Usmani
23 January, 2019
- Articles