
I4I turns 1!

  • Blog Post Date 06 August, 2013
  • Perspectives
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Ashok Kotwal

University of British Columbia

It has been a year since the voice of ‘Ideas for India’ was first heard. Our mission was to be an outlet for evidence-based arguments on a wide set of issues relevant to Indian growth and development. We had hoped then that this would be a voice that would clarify rather than obscure, a distinct voice that would grow on you. Have our hopes been realised? That is for the readers to judge. We in the Editorial Board feel that this has been an exhilarating ride so far.

It is remarkable how many eminent economists have supported our mission, and found time to send us their work in an accessible language. So many young and promising researchers have followed suit. Our readership has widened and so has our pool of contributing authors. We also broadened our mandate by introducing new sections such as: Debates (so far on parliamentary legislations), Perspectives (views and reflections) and Notes from the Field (based on the grassroots level experiences). We feel energised and optimistic about the future.

To celebrate the first birthday of our portal, we invited Abhijit Banerjee and Raghuram Rajan – two eminent economists for whom Indian development is not merely of academic interest - to have a conversation about vital issues in Indian development.

Take a look at the highlights of the evening below and if your appetite is sufficiently stimulated, you can see the entire proceedings at

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