Contributor : Profile
Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa is Professor of Economic History and International Economics at the Institute of Brazilian Studies of the University of São Paulo (USP); Coordinator of the Research Area “Development and International Cooperation” at the Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning; and researcher at the “Center for Applied Research on Brazil-Africa”, hosted by USP. He has a Master's Degree in Economic History from the Universidade de São Paulo - USP (1997) and a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP (2003). His present fields of research include the study of inequality and the labour market in Brazil, both in the present and in the past; the role of developmentalism in Brazilian economic history; and Brazil’s pattern of economic international integration, focusing mainly on the impact of the rise of China and the potential of South-South cooperation. Recent publications in English include The “Dynamic South”, Economic Development and Inclusive Growth: Challenges Ahead São Paulo, Cebrap, 2013 (co-editor with M.C.Cacciamali); “Development Pattern, Labour Market and Social Protection in Brazil: What Has (and What Has Not) Changed under the Lula Government” (with A. Moretto), in Aligning Economic and Social Goals in Emerging Economies, Rodgers, G. (ed.). Delhi, Academic Foundation, 2013; The Real Brazil: The Inequality Behind the Statistics (editor). London, Christian Aid, 2012; “Fear of Manufacturing? China and the Future of Industry in Brazil and Latin America” (with R.Jenkins) in: The China Quarterly, March 2012.
Posts by Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa
Growth and inequality: The contrasting stories of India and Brazil
The development paths of India and Brazil are, in some ways, mirror images of one another. While growth and inequality were both high in Brazil until 1980 and then declined – first growth declined ...
Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa
Gerry Rodgers
29 June, 2015
- Articles