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Posts by Bharat Ramaswami

कोविड-19: क्या हम लंबी दौड़ के लिए तैयार हैं? - भाग 1

कोविड-19 के प्रसार की संभावित पुनरावृत्ति को रोकने के लिए यह लॉकडाउन, संभवतः भविष्य में किए जाने वाले कई लॉकडाउन में से पहला हो सकता है, इसलिए नीति निर्माताओं को इससे प्रतिकूल रूप से प्रभावित व्यक्तिय...

  • दृष्टिकोण

Covid-19: Are we ready for the long haul? - Part II

In Part I of this piece, the authors made broad recommendations to guide the government’s response to Covid-19 in India. In this part, they identify five salient population groups that are particula...

  • Perspectives

Covid-19: Are we ready for the long haul? - Part I

As this may be the first of many future lockdowns to stamp out possible repeated outbreaks of Covid-19, policymakers must be prepared to provide relief to adversely affected individuals. With this in ...

  • Perspectives

‘न्याय' विचार-गोष्ठी: नकद अंतरण नीतियों से संबंधित चार चिंताएं

भरत रामास्वामी (अशोका विश्वविद्यालय में अर्थशास्त्र के प्रोफेसर) ने अतिरिक्त नकद अंतरण (ऍड-ऑन कैश ट्रांसफर) के बतौर ‘न्याय' के क्रियान्वयन में चार प्रकार की आपत्तियों पर चर्चा की है। उनका तर्क है कि प...

  • दृष्टिकोण

NYAY e-Symposium: Four concerns around cash transfer policies

Bharat Ramswami (Professor of Economics, Ashoka University) discusses four sets of caveats in implementing NYAY as an add-on cash transfer. He contends that the emergence of cash transfers as a sustai...

  • Perspectives

Aadhaar that doesn’t exclude

Aadhaar is in the news today partly because of security concerns and partly because of reports that the poor are unable to receive PDS rations because of failures in Aadhaar authentication. In this ar...

  • Perspectives

Union Budget 2018: What will the pivot to agriculture cost?

The Union Budget 2018-19 focusses heavily on agriculture and rural development. In this article, Bharat Ramaswami analyses the key proposals pertaining to investment in agricultural markets and infras...

  • Perspectives

Aadhaar Bill: Move towards a surveillance State?

Most advanced economies have had some version of UID for a long time, example, the Social Security number in the US, the Social Insurance Number in Canada, etc. This is recorded not only in interactio...

  • Perspectives

Aadhaar Bill and government benefits: Risk of increasing exclusion?

Supporters of Aadhaar express the hope that will reduce inclusion errors and corruption by eliminating ghost beneficiaries, say in schemes like MNREGA. Are there substantial benefits to be reaped on t...

  • Perspectives

Aadhaar Bill and government benefits: Better targeting and reduced corruption?

Supporters of Aadhaar express the hope that will reduce inclusion errors and corruption by eliminating ghost beneficiaries, say in schemes like MNREGA. Are there substantial benefits to be reaped on t...

  • Perspectives

Aadhaar Bill: Incremental information-gathering powers for government?

The government already has the means to collect a lot of information on citizens (example, phone conversations and logs, credit card transactions, income tax records, bank account details, etc.). Conv...

  • Perspectives

Protectionism under the guise of food security

India has backed out of the commitment it made at the WTO negotiations in Bali in November 2013. The implicit explanation is that the government needs to accumulate food grain stocks to provide subsid...

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