Tag Search: “agriculture”

Going beyond the International Year of Millets to achieve decade-long action

In the third post of the e-Symposium on ‘Carrying forward the promise of International Year of Millets’, Ashwini Kulkarni considers how the increased focus on millets during this year is just the begi...

  • Perspectives

Introduction to e-Symposium: Carrying forward the promise of International Year of Millets

Although millets were a staple food in many Indian diets, their consumption has declined over the last few decades. Taking into account their resilience to climate change and potential to contribute t...

  • Symposium

Effects of climate shocks on sectoral inequality

Over the last three decades, agricultural and industrial sector workers have suffered consumption losses due to temperature rise while those in the services sector saw consumption increases. This arti...

  • Articles

Does development of transport infrastructure increase rural land inequality?

Investments in transport infrastructure reduce trade costs and lead to integration of villages with urban markets. This article suggests that this spatial integration could have the unintended consequ...

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Designing transfer payments to reduce crop burning in India

Air pollution caused due to crop burning has severe health impacts, particularly in north India. Despite the introduction of a conditional cash transfer programme to adopt environmentally friendly pra...

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India’s rising ruralisation defies claims of declining poverty

Building on some of the key contributions to the Great Indian Poverty Debate, Dhananjay Sinha assesses the economic transformation in India over the past few decades. He outlines the lack of private c...

  • Perspectives

The impact of climate change on Indian crops

This article looks at deviations in the impact of short-term weather events and long-term climate change on yields of rice, maize and wheat, and finds that the negative impact of temperature is higher...

  • Articles

I4I@10 | Emerging from Covid-19: Challenges and solutions

As India emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, economists will have to rethink how they understand the Indian economy in context of global volatilities. In this panel, moderated by Amartya Lahiri, Viral...

  • Videos

Temperature, labour reallocation, and industrial production

While it is well-established that agricultural production is vulnerable to weather shocks, less is known about how those affected respond or the economic consequences of any responses. Analysing data ...

  • Articles

How colonial is Indian law?

Critiques of the colonial rule in India and its legacy have been extended to law – with many allusions to the need to shake off the yoke of the colonial legacy. In this post, Roy and Swamy unpack the ...

  • Perspectives

Start what you finish! Risk and schooling investments

Economic shocks prompt parents to work more in order to reduce the fallout, and children may spend more time helping in the household or on the family farm, thereby interrupting their schooling. Analy...

  • Articles

West Bengal’s economic performance relative to India over the last three decades

Against the backdrop of the ongoing elections in West Bengal, Maitreesh Ghatak examines how the state’s economic performance compares with that of the country as a whole, over the past three decades. ...

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