Tag Search: “financial inclusion”
Affirmative action in credit markets: Can it enhance minorities’ welfare?
In 2009, as part of a Government of India programme to improve the welfare of religious minorities, commercial banks were directed to increase credit to these groups. This article finds that the polic...
S. K. Ritadhi
Muhammad Yasir Khan
27 August, 2024
- Articles
Irrationality in financial decisions: A policy proposal
The high valuations of small- and mid-cap stocks in the Indian market seem indicative of irrational exuberance. In this context, Gurbachan Singh discusses the prevailing policy framework to deal with ...
Gurbachan Singh
18 March, 2024
- Perspectives
How social norms hold women back: A look at recent evidence
In light of India’s low female labour force participation rate, as a follow up to International Women’s Day, I4I Deputy Managing Editor Nikita Mujumdar highlights a selection of economic research on s...
Nikita Mujumdar
15 March, 2024
- Perspectives
Emergence of a private credit market in India
The last few years have seen the growth of a private credit market in India, which offers financing to small and mid-sized firms with a relatively high default risk. In this piece, Datta and Sengupta ...
Pratik Datta
Rajeswari Sengupta
30 January, 2024
- Perspectives
Facilitating risk-sharing through self-help groups in Bihar
While the self-help group (SHG) programme in Bihar has improved access to low-cost credit for women, this article evaluates whether it improves risk-sharing by examining differences in village-level v...
Orazio Attanasio
Anjini Kochar
Aprajit Mahajan
Vaishnavi Surendra
16 August, 2023
- Articles
UPI: A game changer towards achieving a cashless economy
Since the launch of the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), the volume of digital transactions in India has increased exponentially over the last few years. Shamim Ara highlights the trends in the expans...
Shamim Ara
22 May, 2023
- Perspectives
Credit cooperatives: Promoting worker well-being during crises?
Research shows that access to alternative credit mechanisms during the pandemic enabled informal women workers to gain financial security, benefitting their mental well-being in the process. Based on ...
Devika Oberai
06 January, 2023
- Perspectives
The low productivity trap of collateralised lending for MSMEs
The share of bank credit extended to MSMEs increased dramatically during the pan-demic. In this post, Harsh Vardhan discusses the the government guarantee of bank loans as a possible driver of this gr...
Harsh Vardhan
07 October, 2022
- Perspectives
The 10,000 FPOs scheme ignores women farmers
In this piece, Shilpa Vasavada puts forth her concern that if we don’t revisit the new Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO) guidelines with a gender lens, women in the agriculture sector will be left b...
Shilpa Vasavada
04 October, 2022
- Perspectives
The future of old times
India needs to plan for a radical expansion of public support for the elderly. In this piece, Drèze and Duflo argue that near-universal social security pensions would be a good start. Elderly persons,...
Jean Drèze
Esther Duflo
26 September, 2022
- Perspectives
How financial access impacts women’s decision-making role in households
Government programmes which grant women access to financial support often provide assistance which is too small to significantly impact women’s economic position within the household. This article use...
Anjini Kochar
C. S. Nagabhusana
Ritwik Sarkar
Rohan Shah
Geeta Singh
31 August, 2022
- Articles
Accumulation of household debt in India: Repercussions for economic recovery
The Covid-19 crisis and the subsequent recession has brought about a shift in financial savings; households have cut back on consumption and reduced their demand for credit, and banks tightened lendin...
Isha Gupta
18 July, 2022
- Perspectives