Tag Search: “jobs”

The lad(y) doth protest too much, methinks

Former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha has trashed the present government’s track record on economic management. In a recent article, economist Surjit Bhalla refuted Mr. Sinha’s claims with a point-by...

  • Perspectives

Moving in or dropping out? India's female migrants and urban labour force integration

One important, yet understudied, constraint to female labour force participation is women’s inability to successfully migrate to where the jobs are – cities.

  • IGC Research on India

Assessing the effectiveness of active labour market programmes in developing countries

Job growth is a key policy concern across developing countries and there are been an increased interest in the role of active labour market programmes that provide vocational training to job-seekers, ...

  • Perspectives

Changes in the nature of female workforce participation in India

Declining female workforce participation in India is a matter of grave concern, and a puzzle in the face of increased overall economic growth. This column shows that although the proportion of working...

  • Articles

The demographic impact of extended paid maternity leave in Bangladesh

In March 2017, Indian Parliament passed the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016 extending paid maternity leave to 26 weeks. This column analyses the impact of extension of paid maternity leave i...

  • Articles

How the American Dream led to India's IT boom

In the context of the ongoing global debate on migration policies, this column shows that the H-1B visa programme of the US had a powerful impact on the US IT sector, and played a prominent role in sp...

  • Articles

Smart policy for women's economic empowerment in South Asia

In this article, Jennifer Johnson and Nalini Gulati highlight the different trajectories of women’s economic empowerment across South Asia, based on a recent policy dialogue hosted by Evidence for Po...

  • Perspectives

The decline of rural earning inequality in India

While earnings inequality remained virtually unchanged in urban India between 2004-05 and 2011-12, it declined sharply in rural India over this period. This column finds that although the change in t...

  • Articles

The dangers that lie beneath India's IT layoffs

The ongoing layoffs in India’s IT sector are at a scale that has not been seen since the global financial crisis of 2008. In this article, Maitreesh Ghatak, Professor of Economics at LSE, contends tha...

  • Articles

Getting India's women into the workforce: Time for a smart approach

In this article, Rohini Pande, the Mohammed Kamal Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, contends that raising India’s stubbornly low rate of female labour force participation will req...

  • Perspectives

Women and work in Asia: Insights for India's low female labour force participation

In this article, Sher Singh Verick, Deputy Director, ILO’s Decent Work Team for South Asia and Country Office for India, shows how India compares with other countries in Asia as well as with other de...

  • Perspectives

Declining female labour force participation in rural India: The demand side

National Sample Survey data shows a decline in rural women’s workforce participation between 2004-05 and 2011-12. Rising rural incomes and women’s education over the same period have been taken as ev...

  • Articles