Tag Search: “Firms”

Indo-Korea trade pact: Harnessing the potential in services

India and Korea signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in 2009, which resulted in an increase of 42% in bilateral trade between 2009-10 and 2012-13. This column examines the CEPA...

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Why outward FDI should be encouraged

The ‘Make in India’ programme seeks to incentivise global investors to manufacture in India. In this article, Natasha Agarwal, an independent research economist argues that efforts should also be made...

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Trade liberalisation and intergenerational occupational mobility in urban India

While the trade reforms of the 90s led to a rapid increase in trade in India, there are concerns regarding the likely impact of the reforms on inequality. This column shows that innovation induced by...

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India-ASEAN economic linkages: Challenges and way forward

India’s ‘Look East’ policy picked up steam with the conceptualisation of the Indian-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in 2003. This column analyses the broad trends in India-ASEAN trade over the past decade,...

  • Perspectives

How foreign inflows impact Indian manufacturing firms

In the past few decades, India has emerged as one of the preferred destinations for foreign investors, with the manufacturing sector receiving a substantial proportion of total capital inflows coming...

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The Impact of Climate and Pollution on Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Garment Factory in India

This project aims to answer the following research questions: i) What is the impact of air pollution on worker productivity and other labour outcomes (attendance, tardiness, and attrition)? ii) What i...

  • IGC Research on India

Labour rationing and forced entrepreneurship in village India

When individuals are rationed out of the labour market, this not just decreases welfare but can also create labour misallocation as rationed workers may turn to less-productive self-employment activit...

  • IGC Research on India

Foreign currency borrowing by Indian firms: What do we know?

As foreign currency borrowing by Indian firms has been increasing, concerns have surfaced about rising associated risks. Hence, recent policy changes seeking to make the regulatory regime simpler and...

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Productivity and competition in India’s brick industry

Firm productivity has long been considered a key driver of economic growth. Yet there is little understanding of why the competition and innovation that fuels productivity growth in the developed worl...

  • IGC Research on India

The labour reforms debate: Broadening horizons

Even as the government has indicated that it plans to go slow on labour reforms and build consensus among all stakeholders, trade unions are protesting against “anti-labour” reforms. In this article,...

  • Perspectives

Impact of American FDI in India

The United States is one of India’s largest trade and investment partners. This column discusses the impact of American FDI in India in terms of direct effects such as job creation, exports and techn...

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Analysing net foreign earnings of India's corporate sector

The corporate sector is the linchpin of the ‘Make in India’ campaign. This column finds that the sector is increasingly relying on imported inputs and its net foreign earnings are on the decline, thu...

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