Tag Search: “Firms”

Global financial crisis and India: A look at the decade gone by

The crisis that emerged in the US subprime mortgage market this month 10 years ago, not only engulfed the country’s financial system but the entire global economy. In this post, Vikas Dimble and Nalin...

  • Perspectives

Community networks and the growth of private enterprise in China

China has witnessed the same degree of industrialisation in three decades as Europe did in two centuries – without the preconditions that are generally believed to be necessary for economic developmen...

  • Articles

The challenge of identifying economic activities of firms

The reliability of India’s GDP estimates has been debated extensively. A key challenge in the construction of macro-aggregates lies in the proper identification of firms’ economic activities as firms ...

  • Perspectives

Management and India’s economic growth

India has produced a well-recognised elite of managers, some of whom have demonstrated their capabilities in premier firms outside the country. In this post, Nirvikar Singh discusses existing empirica...

  • Perspectives

The effect of place-based development policies: Evidence from Indian SEZs

Since the introduction of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Act in 2005, India has invested roughly 0.5% of its GDP annually into this programme. Using nighttime lights data and firm- and worker-level...

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New ideas for fighting corruption in India

Even as technological innovations have reduced petty bribery, it is clear that bigger forms of corruption are flourishing in India. In this post, Avinash Dixit and Ritika Mankar propose the formation ...

  • Perspectives

What happens when investments targeting women’s microbusinesses go to men?

Several studies find that male-operated – but not female-operated – microenterprises benefit from access to grants or loans. Applying the lens of household-level rather than individual-level investmen...

  • Articles

Urban Corridors: Strategies for economic and urban development

The aim of this project is to investigate the impact of India’s corridor model as a strategy for urbanisation and urban development through the lens of land and economic development. Research question...

  • IGC Research on India

A study on the impact of financial market reforms on investment, financing and governance structures of the publicly traded firms in India

This project empirically studies financial benefits of equity market integration at the firm level in emerging economies. It explores the unique setting of public firms cross-listing on a new domestic...

  • IGC Research on India

Impact of groundwater accessibility on performance of firms

While labour laws and capital have been identified as key constraints to industrial growth, there is scant evidence on whether accessibility of vital natural resources, such as groundwater, also influ...

  • IGC Research on India

Understanding the recent ordinance amending the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) is a landmark reform for India. One year after the notification of the law, an Ordinance to amend IBC has been promulgated, which bars several categories...

  • Perspectives

Fostering social connections

This column describes an ongoing study that analyses data from Delhi’s labour-intensive garment factories to explore the relationship between trust among workers and productivity. Using the strength o...

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