Tag Search: “Technology”

A quiet revolution: The case of primary education in Uttar Pradesh

The challenge in India’s school education system today is how to translate years of schooling into learning. While there is reason to lament the learning crisis, a quiet movement is taking place in Ut...

  • Notes from the Field

India's farm crisis: Decades old and with deep roots

In this Perspectives piece, Prof. Himanshu argues that the crisis in Indian agriculture today is not a new one; it goes back many years. Therefore, the problems of farmers cannot be addressed by the b...

  • Perspectives

Does India gain from high-skilled migration to the US?

India is the most important source of migrants globally, and the US is the main host country for its high-skilled migrants. Is the phenomenon of high-skilled emigration ‘brain drain’, or is it creatin...

  • Articles

The changing task content of jobs in India

The ongoing wave of technological revolution across the globe is set to fundamentally change the way goods are produced and services are delivered. Using a task-based framework, this article seeks to ...

  • Articles

I4I Panel Discussion: The way forward for the Indian economy

In December 2018, I4I organised a panel discussion on ‘The Way Forward for the Indian Economy’ with K.P. Krishnan (Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship), T.N. Ninan (Business Standard), ...

  • Videos

When technology disrupts politics: Lessons from India’s green revolution

The green revolution transformed India’s agricultural sector between 1960s and 1980s. Did this technological revolution in agriculture translate into a political revolution? This article shows that wi...

  • Articles

I4I Event: What is the way forward for the Indian economy?

On Tuesday, 18 December 2018, I4I is organising a Panel Discussion on ‘The Way forward for the Indian economy’, in Delhi. The panellists are K.P. Krishnan (Ministry of Skill Development and Entreprene...

  • Perspectives

India’s national policy framework on e-commerce: Issues and concerns

In July 2018, India released a draft national policy framework on e-commerce among its stakeholders. The ensuing debate led to the government announcing a revised draft policy. In this post, Rahul Cho...

  • Perspectives

Nobel laureate Paul Romer’s contribution to endogenous growth theory

What motivates people like Steve Jobs to spend time, money, and effort in developing new ideas despite the implicit hazard that ideas can easily be copied later? In this post, Mausumi Das contends tha...

  • Perspectives

The online marketplace as a source for price data

The Indian e-commerce industry is set to grow at over 30% over the next decade, potentially making the online market a repository of information related to some key parameters of the economy such as i...

  • Articles

Mapping the Urban World: Integrating High-resolution Satellite Imagery and Night Light Data

This project aims to improve current approaches to chart urban extent across the globe by integrating night light (NTL) data with Landsat 30m resolution satellite images. By applying state-of-the-art ...

  • IGC Research on India

An offline alternative for Aadhaar-based biometric authentication

While decision on the constitutionality of Aadhaar by the Supreme Court of India remains a matter of speculation, it has become abundantly clear that most of the use cases for Aadhaar-based biometric ...

  • Perspectives