Tag Search: “Technology”
National Health Stack: A job half well-done
To support the implementation of the recently launched National Health Protection Scheme, NITI Aayog has proposed the creation of digital infrastructure called National Health Stack. In this post, Smr...
Smriti Mudgal Sharma
10 September, 2018
- Perspectives
Are we prepared for the future of work?
Given the threat of jobs displacement on account of the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, it has become crucial to develop a high-quality labour force with advanced cognitive skills. In ...
Raavi Aggarwal
13 August, 2018
- Perspectives
The impact of robotisation on the world economy: A forward-looking review
Robots have long existed in human imagination and only recently in the real world. The baggage of past imagination often intrudes into our understanding of how real robots will affect our economic liv...
Siddhartha Mitra
25 July, 2018
- Explainers
Protecting data privacy: Authorisation and access control
The B.N. Srikrishna Committee, which was constituted in August 2017 to draft India’s data protection laws, is expected to submit its final recommendations this month. In this post, Banerjee and Sharma...
Subhashis Banerjee
Subodh V. Sharma
04 July, 2018
- Perspectives
Aadhaar that doesn’t exclude
Aadhaar is in the news today partly because of security concerns and partly because of reports that the poor are unable to receive PDS rations because of failures in Aadhaar authentication. In this ar...
Ashok Kotwal
Bharat Ramaswami
11 April, 2018
- Perspectives
Ashok Kotwal speaks with Jean Drèze
I4I Editor-in-Chief Ashok Kotwal speaks with Jean Drèze, visiting Professor at Ranchi University and an ‘economist-activist’ who has been working in India at the grassroots level for a long time. The...
Jean Drèze
Ashok Kotwal
28 March, 2018
- Notes from the Field
Introduction to e-Symposium: Firms and labour productivity
Eighty per cent of India’s labour force works ‘informally’. Providing employment with decent wages and benefits to this segment requires structural transformation of the economy to more high-producti...
Farzana Afridi
12 March, 2018
- Symposium
I4I Panel Discussion: The challenge of job creation
In a recent I4I editorial, Ashok Kotwal described the challenge of job creation that is facing the Indian economy today. In December 2017, Prof. Kotwal moderated a panel discussion on the topic betwe...
Nalini Gulati
30 January, 2018
- Videos
Aadhaar, biometrics, and the PDS in Jharkhand
Aadhaar-based biometric authentication was made mandatory for obtaining rations under the Public Distribution System in Ranchi district in Jharkhand in August 2016. In this article, Nazar Khalid demon...
Nazar Khalid
10 January, 2018
- Perspectives
The challenge of job creation
The process of economic transformation that entails labour transitioning from low- to high-productivity activities, been much slower in India than in other Asian countries like China. Why is this so ...
Ashok Kotwal
15 December, 2017
- Perspectives
How new technologies can raise farm productivity
Lele and Goswami discuss the potential of new technologies in raising farm productivity, and the challenges involved in turning the power of information and other technologies into a farmer-friendly t...
Sambuddha Goswami
Uma Lele
06 December, 2017
- Articles
Why are geniuses destroying jobs in Uganda?
In this article, Lant Pritchett discusses how technological progress is being driven in rich countries by distorted prices and availability of labour and is then inefficiently and uneconomically destr...
Lant Pritchett
02 November, 2017
- Articles