Tag Search: “firms”

Assessing the impact of listing on access to finance for small and medium enterprises

Small and medium enterprises are globally viewed as an engine of economic growth. However, growth in this sector is often limited by access to external finance due, in part, to SMEs being informationa...

  • IGC Research on India

Nobel prize in Economics 2016: The economy as a nexus of contracts

An important line of research in microeconomics has tried to explain how the economic institutions that underpin the ‘invisible hand of the market’ actually work. The specific economic institution tha...

  • Perspectives

Nobel insights: When it comes to contracts, what's obvious may not be optimal

In a tribute to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström, recipients of this year’s Nobel prize in Economics, Rohini Somanathan, Professor of Economics at Delhi School of Economics, outlines their contribution...

  • Perspectives

The hidden productivity benefits of energy-saving technology: Evidence from LEDs in Indian factories

Energy-efficient technologies are an increasingly relevant policy priority, given growing consensus on the need to tackle climate change. This column examines the productivity benefits of adopting one...

  • Articles

I4I Panel Discussion: Two years of Modi government

In a panel discussion organised to mark the 4th anniversary of Ideas for India, Parikshit Ghosh (Member of the I4I Editorial Board & Associate Professor, Delhi School of Economics) moderates a discus...

  • Videos

Could emerging economies change the rules of the global labour standards game?

In an increasingly global marketplace, the ramping up of trade has drastically altered the way goods are manufactured and sold. In this article, Kuntala Bandyopadhyay, research associate at ICRIER, d...

  • Perspectives

Justice delayed is development denied: The effect of slow courts on economic outcomes in India

India's formal judicial system is infamously slow, even for a developing country. What is less well established is whether this matters to economic outcomes. This column uses state-level variation in ...

  • Articles

Analysing worker responses to a contract change

Higher-powered incentives are generally believed to increase worker productivity. In the context of an Indian tea plantation, this column examines a contract change wherein baseline wages were increas...

  • Articles

A comparison of automobile industries in India and China

The automobile sector in both India and China developed due to waves of investment in these countries since the late 1980s. This column discusses how India’s automobile sector has grown differently fr...

  • Articles

Land and financial misallocation in India

Optimising the allocation of factors of production – land, capital and labour - improves productivity. In India, where evidence suggests land is severely misallocated to inefficient manufacturing firm...

  • Articles

Are small and medium enterprises constrained by the inability to raise funds from the equity markets? Evidence from the creation of a new platform in

Small and medium enterprises employ 40% of India’s workforce, and account for 45% of the manufacturing output and 40% of the total exports of the country. However, productivity in the sector is very l...

  • IGC Research on India

Markups and capital misallocation: A trade-off? Evidence from the Indian manufacturing sector

Capital misallocation in India has continuously increased over the past two decades, despite extensive liberalisation. At the same time, the importance of financial frictions for the Indian economy ha...

  • IGC Research on India