Tag Search: “firms”
Adoption of Balanced Use of Chemical Fertilisers: Farmer's Response to Scientific Evidence and Social Learning
Government of India has launched a massive program of individualized soil tests and customized fertilizer recommendation, with the hope that scientific information will lead farmers to optimize the fe...
- Ram Fishman Avinash Kishore David J. Spielman
- 31 March, 2015
- IGC Research on India
Will India really grow faster than China?
According to the IMF, India will overtake China to be the fastest growing economy this year. In this article, Chetan Ghate and Peter Robertson assess the validity of this claim. In their view, the ch...
- Chetan Ghate Peter Robertson
- 23 March, 2015
- Perspectives
Modi's economic reforms: Foundation laid but time running out
Anticipation is running high that the Modi government will announce sweeping economic reforms in their first full-year budget, especially since their tenure so far has been bereft of any dramatic cha...
- Eswar Prasad
- 27 February, 2015
- Perspectives
Big and small ideas in development economics: Theory, evidence and practice
Karthik Muralidharan, Associate Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego speaks with Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, World Bank and former Chief Economic A...
- Kaushik Basu Karthik Muralidharan
- 03 February, 2015
- Videos
Where will jobs in manufacturing come from?
Conventional wisdom suggests that labour-intensive, small industries are critical for generating employment. However, this column argues that policies favouring one type of industry over another - lab...
- Radhicka Kapoor
- 23 January, 2015
- Articles
India's labour laws: Protecting to hurt
The state government of Rajasthan has begun making amendments to various labour laws in order to make labour markets more flexible. Summarising research on the impact of rigid labour laws on the grow...
- Devashish Mitra
- 14 January, 2015
- Perspectives
Can services be a growth escalator in low-income countries?
Just like the East Asian Tigers, the Lions of Africa are now growing much faster than the developed economies. However, this column shows that the growth escalators in Africa are different than in Ea...
- Ejaz Ghani
- 01 December, 2014
- Articles
From 'Mess in India' to Made in India' as a global brand?
PM Modi recently launched the ‘Make in India’ campaign to attract investment and boost manufacturing. In this article, Maitreesh Ghatak contrasts the campaign with the Chinese model of economic gover...
- Maitreesh Ghatak
- 15 October, 2014
- Perspectives
Do location-based incentives promote industrialisation?
In a bid to industrialise the relatively under-industrialised states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the government implemented a tax incentive and capital subsidy scheme in the two states in 20...
- Ritam Chaurey
- 23 September, 2014
- Articles
What impedes SMEs from joining Asian supply chains?
While Small and Medium Enterprises play a significant role in job creation at the country level in Asia, they are underrepresented in Asian supply chains. This column analyses data from 5,900 manufac...
- Ganeshan Wignaraja
- 01 September, 2014
- Articles
Finance and growth in China and India: Have firms benefited from capital-market expansion?
Financial sectors in India and China are fast expanding. This column presents a new dataset on the capital-raising activity and performance of publicly listed firms in the two countries. It suggests ...
- Tatiana Didier Sergio Schmukler
- 08 August, 2014
- Articles
Two views on the Budget
The Modi government’s first Budget has received a mixed response. Eswar Prasad and Bharat Ramaswami present two distinct views on the Budget. While Prasad is of the opinion that the Budget hits the r...
- Eswar Prasad Bharat Ramaswami
- 12 July, 2014
- Perspectives