Tag Search: “firms”

Trade disruption, industrialisation, and how the sun set on British rule in India

It is argued that by keeping India open to imports of cheap British manufactures, the imperial power made it excessively difficult for Indian industry to emerge in the early 20th century. This article...

  • Articles

Prejudice in a pandemic: Covid rumours and factory labour supply

Since the Tablighi Jamaat event – an Islamic congregation held in Delhi in mid-March – led to a large cluster of Covid cases, malicious rumours about Muslims spreading the disease started circulating ...

  • Notes from the Field

How costly are flawed government responses to Covid-19? An assessment of the migrant crisis

By March-end, countless migrant workers started fleeing India’s locked-up cities and trekking home to their villages amidst the Covid-19 crisis. Sarmistha Pal argues that government’s responses until ...

  • Perspectives

Covid-19: Health, macroeconomics, and trade

There is great uncertainty around the spread and eventual end of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the possibility of extended or intermittent lockdowns. Besides the immediate health crisis and loss of liv...

  • Articles

Covid-19: Ashok Kotwal speaks with Pronab Sen

In conversation with Ashok Kotwal on the ongoing economic crisis caused by lockdown to mitigate Covid-19 spread, Pronab Sen breaks down the problem into survival of individuals and livelihoods, and th...

  • Podcasts

Covid-19 and MSMEs: The ‘identification’ problem

A recent survey of 5,000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) found that 71% of them could not pay salaries to their workers in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 lockdown in India. The government...

  • Perspectives

Managerial quality and productivity dynamics

It is well known that managerial quality impacts firm productivity and growth. Which managerial skills, traits, and practices contribute most to productivity? Are all such traits easily observable? Ar...

  • Articles

What explains India’s poor performance in garment exports?

India has been losing its share of the world garment trade over time – it went down from 6% in 2013 to 3.5% in 2016. This article examines the Indian garment industry based on a survey of garment manu...

  • Articles

Firm survival in India: Status of firms formed over the last 30 years

The dynamic process of new firm formation and exit of weaker firms contributes to the evolution of industries and expansion of the economy. This article analyses the status of all new firms formed in ...

  • Articles

Firm formation in India: The last 40 years

Research shows that entrepreneurship or new firm formation can be an important driver of economic development. This article studies the extent of new firm formation in India over the last 40 years and...

  • Articles

Trade agreements and their impact on India’s apparel exports

Slow progress of the Doha Round of WTO negotiations has led to a proliferation of regional and bilateral trade agreements, and consequent increase in trade among their members. While India continues t...

  • Articles

Nobel laureate Paul Romer’s contribution to endogenous growth theory

What motivates people like Steve Jobs to spend time, money, and effort in developing new ideas despite the implicit hazard that ideas can easily be copied later? In this post, Mausumi Das contends tha...

  • Perspectives