Tag Search: “manufacturing”

The labour reform myth

A few Indian states have taken steps to relax the labour law pertaining to worker retrenchment. This article argues that while this is a step in the right direction, it may be unrealistic to expect b...

  • Perspectives

What impedes SMEs from joining Asian supply chains?

While Small and Medium Enterprises play a significant role in job creation at the country level in Asia, they are underrepresented in Asian supply chains. This column analyses data from 5,900 manufac...

  • Articles

Impact of trade reforms on labour’s share of firm revenues

The decline in labour’s share of national income in recent decades – a potential cause of rising inequality – has coincided with an increase in world trade. This column analyses the impact of trade re...

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Growing through cities in India

Do cities grow through specialisation or diversity? This column measures specialisation and diversity for the manufacturing and services sectors in India. It finds that Indian districts with a broade...

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Reversing premature de-industrialisation in India

In countries across the world, de-industrialisation is taking place earlier in the development process. This column analyses how India fares in this regard. It finds that for most Indian states, the ...

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India's power sector reforms: Who reaped the benefits?

The cornerstone of India´s power sector reforms is the 2003 National Electricity Act that limited state intervention in the power sector. This column analyses the effects of the Act on Indian manufac...

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The costs of employment protection

Restrictive labour laws govern the formal sector in India, whereas the informal sector is virtually unregulated. This column analyses the impact of reforms pertaining to employment protection legisla...

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The puzzle of declining labour intensity in organised Indian manufacturing

It is surprising to note that labour intensity in the organised manufacturing sector in India, particularly in industries with greater labour requirements, has shown a sustained decline over the past...

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Losing one half of India's demographic dividend

The working-age population in India is set to increase by more than 200 million over the next two decades. This column contends that India may fail to reap the benefits of this demographic dividend b...

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How exchange rate changes impact Indian manufacturing firms

After falling to its lifetime low of 68.85 against the dollar in August last year, the Rupee has now appreciated to breach the 60-per-dollar mark. This column explores the impact of currency movement...

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What makes cities more competitive in India?

Policymakers in both developed and developing countries want to make cities more competitive, attract new entrepreneurs, boost economic growth, and promote job creation. This column shows that the two...

  • Articles

The crisis in Indian manufacturing

Manufacturing sector growth in India has fallen from over 9% to a dismal 1% in the past couple of years. This article discusses the factors that have caused a slowdown in organised and unorganised ma...

  • Perspectives