Tag Search: “public health”
Mental health disparities in India
While a large, multidisciplinary literature focusses on disparities in physical health across social groups, the mental health dimension remains invisible. Analysing data from a WHO survey conducted i...
- Diane Coffey Aashish Gupta Meghana Mungikar
- 13 November, 2020
- Articles
Locked out of critical care: Covid-19 lockdown and non-Covid mortality
India’s 10-week long national lockdown to contain the spread of Covid-19 was among the most severe in the world. This article investigates the effects of the lockdown restrictions on healthcare access...
- Pascaline Dupas Radhika Jain
- 01 October, 2020
- Articles
Covid-19: How the pandemic evolved in Kerala over the 'unlock' phases
Kerala, the state with the largest number of Covid-19 cases when India entered the lockdown on 25 March, had only 16 active cases on 20 May. However, the second wave of the pandemic in the state, coin...
- Benston John
- 29 September, 2020
- Perspectives
On India’s ‘low’ Covid-19 case fatality rate
India’s Covid-19 case fatality rate is impressively low at 1.7%, compared to the world average of 4%. This apparently superior performance could, however, simply be a product of three factors: the cou...
- Minu Philip Debraj Ray S. Subramanian
- 22 September, 2020
- Articles
DUET: Addressing ‘why’ before ‘how’
Commenting on Drèze's DUET proposal and related views, Ashok Kotwal argues that we need to consider the rationale for such an urban work programme, before diving into the design details.
- Ashok Kotwal
- 15 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Decentralise employment generation to urban local bodies
Dilip Mookherjee supports Drèze’s suggestion to decentralise employment generation to urban local bodies, and contends that the moribund nature of urban local government is a key reason for the neglec...
- Dilip Mookherjee
- 14 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Employment programme in public works in small towns
Given the severe problems of unemployment and under-employment in urban India, particularly among the country’s burgeoning youth population, Pranab Bardhan emphasises the need for an employment progra...
- Pranab Bardhan
- 12 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: Towards employment as a universal right
Debraj Ray contends that we should push forward with the agenda of employment as a universal right, and DUET would move that needle. He discusses two aspects of the proposal – keeping track of workers...
- Debraj Ray
- 11 September, 2020
- Perspectives
DUET: A proposal for an urban work programme
Jean Drèze presents a proposal for a simple scheme of subsidised public employment in urban areas, generated by multiple public institutions on their own initiative.
- Jean Drèze
- 09 September, 2020
- Symposium
Subsidies, merit goods, and fiscal space - II
In Part I of this two-part series, the authors presented their estimates of total budget subsidies, and their merit and non-merit components. In this part, they discuss the relationship between subsid...
- Sudipto Mundle Satadru Sikdar
- 04 September, 2020
- Perspectives
Covid-19: Willingness to vaccinate among slum-dwellers
Vaccination is among the success stories in modern-day medicine, and is seen by the WHO as a key element of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this note, Augsburg et al. discuss findings from a...
- Alex Armand Britta Augsburg Antonella Bancalari
- 05 August, 2020
- Notes from the Field
Pandemic as a lens: Identifying and addressing livelihood vulnerabilities
Based on the findings from a phone survey of around 5,000 Indian workers, the authors explore the impact of the Covid-19 economic lockdown on two forms of livelihood vulnerabilities: employment insecu...
- Rosa Abraham Amit Basole Surbhi Kesar Rahul Lahoti Paaritosh Nath
- 13 July, 2020
- Notes from the Field