Tag Search: “public service delivery”
Is the proposed restructuring of MNREGA desirable?
The rural development ministry plans to restrict MNREGA to the 200 most backward districts, and reduce the wage component of the total expenditure of the programme. In this article, Ashwini Kulkarni ...
Ashwini Kulkarni
20 October, 2014
- Perspectives
To decentralise or not to decentralise? The dilemma of MNREGA in Andhra Pradesh
Employment generated under MNREGA has been on the decline in recent years across India. This column analyses whether political dynamics influence the implementation of MNREGA by contrasting the imple...
Diego Maiorano
14 October, 2014
- Articles
Estimating kerosene leakages from the Public Distribution System
Kerosene – the primary fuel used by the poor in India for cooking and lighting – is made available at subsidised rates by the government through the Public Distribution System. This column seeks to e...
Prankur Gupta
24 September, 2014
- Articles
Can MNREGA buffer negative shocks in early childhood?
Exposure to negative shocks such as drought during early childhood is known to have lasting, detrimental effects on human development outcomes. This column examines whether a household’s access to MN...
Aparajita Dasgupta
29 August, 2014
- Articles
Protectionism under the guise of food security
India has backed out of the commitment it made at the WTO negotiations in Bali in November 2013. The implicit explanation is that the government needs to accumulate food grain stocks to provide subsid...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
10 August, 2014
- Perspectives
How well does DBT work on the ground?
PM Modi has emphasised fast-tracking roll-out of the Adhaar-based Direct Benefits Transfer programme. In this note, Sweta Trayambak – who has worked with the district administration of Ramgarh in Jha...
Sweta Trayambak
04 August, 2014
- Notes from the Field
India's WTO problem: A proposal
India is threatening to block the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement unless its agricultural policies are exempted from multilateral scrutiny. This article contends that while India’s objectives on agri...
Arvind Subramanian
31 July, 2014
- Perspectives
The challenge of fulfilling aspirations
This year’s election is a watershed in Indian history. This editorial discusses possible reasons for the stunning defeat of the previous government. While there is no denying that the previous govern...
Ashok Kotwal
15 July, 2014
- Perspectives
Modi's first Budget for India: Disappointing but retrievable
In this article, Arvind Subramanian contends that while Modi’s first Budget was good on vision, it fell short in terms of fiscal adjustment, budgetary transparency and credibility, and specificity an...
Arvind Subramanian
15 July, 2014
- Perspectives
Political clientelism in MNREGA: Evidence from West Bengal
The problem of political clientelism becomes imminent in decentralised systems where certain individuals or groups associated with the political party locally in power, get preferential access to sca...
Upasak Das
25 June, 2014
- Articles
MNREGA: Populist leaky bucket or successful anti-poverty programme?
MNREGA – the world’s largest workfare programme - formed the backbone of the UPA government’s anti-poverty programme, and may well represent its most important legacy in the long run. This column rev...
Dilip Mookherjee
28 May, 2014
- Articles
Going beyond the Gujarat versus rest of India debate on growth rates
This column attempts to widen the ongoing growth rates-based debate on ‘Gujarat vs. rest of India’ by ranking Indian states on prices, cost of living, household expenditures and inequality, which mea...
Ranjan Ray
07 May, 2014
- Articles