Tag Search: “public service delivery”
Economic dynamics of natural disasters: Evidence from the Kerala floods
To understand the economic impact of natural disasters, this article uses the 2018 floods in Kerala – a time when it received higher rainfall than the neighbouring states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu ¬...
Robert C M Beyer
Gogol Mitra Thakur
Abhinav Narayanan
13 February, 2023
- Articles
Does being local matter? Administrative decentralisation and human development
In this post, Chaudhary and Iyer discuss the administrative decentralisation reforms brought about by the Panchayati Raj Act, and measure the effect of decentralisation on the provision of public serv...
Latika Chaudhary
Lakshmi Iyer
13 January, 2023
- Articles
Analysing e-governance service delivery outcomes: Insights from eTaal
In this piece, Trivedi and Mumtaz attempt to analyse the performance of e-governance service delivery across different tiers of government and service categories, through the volume of end-to-end elec...
Fatima Mumtaz
Anand Trivedi
04 January, 2023
- Perspectives
Insuring India: PM-JAY’s targeting problem
India’s largest health insurance programme is targetted at poor and vulnerable populations who would be least able to afford medical care. However, this article by Chhabra and Smith shows that a large...
Sheena Chhabra
Owen Smith
19 October, 2022
- Articles
Extreme poverty in India is yet to be eliminated: A comment on BBV
In the fourth post of a six-part series on the estimation of poverty in India, Sinha Roy and van der Weide reflect on the dramatically different estimates produced by two studies, and the source of th...
Sutirtha Sinha Roy
Roy Van der Weide
13 October, 2022
- Perspectives
The Great Indian Poverty Debate, 2.0
In the third post of a six part series on estimating poverty in India, Justin Sandefur considers the approaches employed for projections of poverty estimates since 2011-12 – the last year for which of...
Justin Sandefur
12 October, 2022
- Perspectives
Measuring poverty in the absence of Consumption Expenditure Survey data
In the first post of a six-part series on , Surjit Bhalla and Karan Bhasin discuss issues related to measurement of absolute poverty in India. They summarise their IMF working paper from April 2022, a...
Surjit Bhalla
Karan Bhasin
10 October, 2022
- Perspectives
Has India eliminated extreme poverty?
In the second post of a six-part series on Gaurav Datt unpacks the claim that India was on the verge of eliminating extreme poverty, and questions two key assumptions on which it rests. Rather, he sh...
Gaurav Datt
10 October, 2022
- Perspectives
The future of old times
India needs to plan for a radical expansion of public support for the elderly. In this piece, Drèze and Duflo argue that near-universal social security pensions would be a good start. Elderly persons,...
Jean Drèze
Esther Duflo
26 September, 2022
- Perspectives
Electricity Act amendment: The need for a cautious approach
The recently proposed amendment to the Electricity Act, 2003 comes after nearly two decades with few legislative changes. In this post, Dixit and Josey review electricity sector developments, especial...
Shantanu Dixit
Ann Josey
23 September, 2022
- Perspectives
Illam Thedi Kalvi: A booster shot for post-Covid education
Amidst worries about learning loss caused by school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic, Tamil Nadu's Illam Thedi Kalvi (ITK) – a volunteer-based education programme – has played a vital role in bri...
Sarthak Agrawal
05 September, 2022
- Notes from the Field
How financial access impacts women’s decision-making role in households
Government programmes which grant women access to financial support often provide assistance which is too small to significantly impact women’s economic position within the household. This article use...
Anjini Kochar
C. S. Nagabhusana
Ritwik Sarkar
Rohan Shah
Geeta Singh
31 August, 2022
- Articles