Tag Search: “schooling”
Teaching at the right level: Solutions for low learning levels in India
At least half of all children in India have not acquired basic literacy and arithmetic skills by the end of primary school. In this article, Rukmini Banerji of Pratham and J-PAL Director Esther Duflo...
Rukmini Banerji
Esther Duflo
26 November, 2015
- Articles
New Education Policy: Putting money where learning is
More public expenditure on elementary education in India in recent years has not translated into better learning outcomes of schoolchildren. In this article, Anit Mukherjee from the Center for Global...
Anit Mukherjee
25 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Of Picasso and Cezanne: Early achievers vs. late bloomers
Children learn at different paces – some are early achievers while others bloom late. In this article, Desai and Vanneman, Professors of Sociology at University of Maryland, present evidence to show ...
Sonalde Desai
Reeve Vanneman
24 November, 2015
- Articles
Getting reading right, right now
In this article, Lant Pritchett, Professor of the Practice of International Development at Harvard Kennedy School, contends that children of 2015 in India are not getting the education they need to b...
Lant Pritchett
24 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Building an outcome-focused approach to elementary education financing in India
Government expenditure on elementary education in India is designed to promote a system that is accountable for schooling rather than learning. In this article, Yamini Aiyar, Director of the Accounta...
Yamini Aiyar
23 November, 2015
- Articles
Assessments in school education: The current debate
There is an active ongoing debate in the country on the move to scrap the No-Detention Policy and the efficacy of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation, which were introduced under the Right to Educatio...
Azim Premji Foundation
23 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Holding the teacher education enterprise accountable for its performance
Research on the performance of trained and untrained teachers fails to find that students of trained teachers always perform better. In this article, Amita Chudgar, Associate Professor of Education P...
Amita Chudgar
20 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Enabling inclusive education
In this column Renu Singh, Country Director of Young Lives India, contends that multiple and overlapping barriers of poverty, gender, religion, caste and disability have to be overcome to ensure educ...
Renu Singh
20 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Ten steps to transform the quality of education in India
In this article, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Managing Director of Educational Initiatives, suggests 10 initiatives that can help transform the quality of education in India.
Sridhar Rajagopalan
19 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Ensuring learning at the elementary stage: Are children school-ready?
In this article, Venita Kaul and Aparajita Bhargarh Chaudhary from the Centre for Early Childhood Education and Development, Ambedkar University, present evidence from their research to emphasise the...
Aparajita Bhargarh Chaudhary
Venita Kaul
19 November, 2015
- Perspectives
New Education Policy: An opportunity not to be lost
There are now various assessments to measure learning levels, and much debate around what learning indicators to use at different stages of schooling. In this article, Wilima Wadhwa, Director of ASER...
Wilima Wadhwa
18 November, 2015
- Perspectives
Introduction to e-Symposium: Ideas for reforms in education policy in India
A New Education Policy is being formulated in India based on a time-bound grassroots consultative process. As a contribution to the discussions, Rukmini Banerji of the education NGO Pratham and Ashok...
Rukmini Banerji
Ashok Kotwal
18 November, 2015
- Symposium