Tag Search: “schooling”

Education reform and frontline administrators: A case study from Bihar - I

The frontline administration in India is infamous for corruption and patronage, indifference towards citizens, low effort and high absenteeism. This column reports findings from a year-long qualitati...

  • Articles

Building a movement, assessment to action

While citizen-led assessments of children’s learning have been applauded for building awareness around the issue, observers have pointed out that information does not automatically galvanise action. ...

  • Notes from the Field

Is the policy focus shifting from school education to higher education in India?

The overall allocation for education has been reduced in the 2015-16 union budget, with an increase in allocation for higher education and decrease in allocation for school education. In this article...

  • Perspectives

Road to riches: An evaluation of India's rural road programme

Access to roads is believed to be essential for economic growth and poverty alleviation. This column evaluates the short-term impact of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana – India’s flagship rural road ...

  • Articles

Rising school enrolment, plunging test scores

Since India made eight years of education compulsory, the number of 6-14 year olds going to school has grown by almost two million. Analysing data from (undivided) Andhra Pradesh, this column finds t...

  • Articles

Should the less educated be barred from village council elections?

In December 2014, the state government of Rajasthan issued an executive order barring citizens with less than eight years of formal education from running for village council chief elections in all b...

  • Perspectives

Assessing teacher quality in India

Research in the US has pointed out that the most important determinant of the quality of education is the quality of teachers but that students’ achievement is not linked to observable teacher charac...

  • Articles

Taking education beyond educationists

ASER – Annual Status of Education Report – has been tracking learning outcomes of children in rural India for the past 10 years. In this note, Rukmini Banerji, Director of the ASER Centre/Pratham, hi...

  • Notes from the Field

How much does India spend on elementary education?

There has been a significant policy focus on expanding elementary education in India in recent years. Yet, estimates of public and private expenditure on elementary education are not available. This ...

  • Articles

Teacher accountability and assessment of student learning levels

Research has found that holding teachers accountable to the local community has scant impact on student learning. Based on a survey of government schools in Karnataka, this column suggests that this ...

  • Articles

Can we select the right peers in Indian education? Evidence from Kolkata

This project studies the effect of random dormitory assignment in a tertiary-level educational institution in India on subsequent academic achievements. The effects of peer-ability are around one-thir...

  • IGC Research on India

Defining Teacher Quality in India

Using administrative data from linked private schools from one of districts in India that matches 8,319 pupils to their subject-specific teachers at the senior secondary level, the project estimates t...

  • IGC Research on India