Tag Search: “schooling”

Temperature and human capital in India

A large proportion of the population in India has agrarian livelihoods that remain climate-exposed. The number of hot days per year in the country are expected to double by the end of this century. T...

  • Articles

I4I Panel Discussion: The challenge of job creation

In a recent I4I editorial, Ashok Kotwal described the challenge of job creation that is facing the Indian economy today. In December 2017, Prof. Kotwal moderated a panel discussion on the topic betwe...

  • Videos

Identifying an effective teacher in public schools in Delhi

While there is near universal school enrolment among 6-14 year olds in India, learning levels are abysmally low. In this context, this project looks at senior secondary government schools in Delhi to ...

  • IGC Research on India

Engaging the community to make schools accountable for delivering quality education

While the dismal quality of primary education in India has received considerable attention at the state and national levels, rural communities still seem to associate school quality with parameters su...

  • Notes from the Field

Barriers in accessing applications under RTE quota in Gujarat

In the school year 2017-18, Gujarat shifted from a paper-based system at the district level to an online system at the state level, for applications under the Right to Education Act. In this note, res...

  • Notes from the Field

Language and development

Language choice is central to organisation of society, transmission of knowledge, and interpersonal communication, and hence, has implications for socioeconomic inequality. This column examines the co...

  • Articles

Good monsoon, bad test scores? Substituting away from schooling

Good monsoons in India raise agricultural productivity and hence, bring added work and higher wages. Is this extra work at the expense of schooling for poor children? This column finds that increased ...

  • Articles

Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal: Justification and evaluation

Kanyasree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme of the Government of West Bengal that offers scholarship to adolescent girls for continuing education and remaining unmarried until the age of ...

  • IGC Research on India

Risks and Investment in Education

This project analysed the effects of household income risk on schooling investment in rural India. The findings from this project suggest that income risk faced by poorer households is an important re...

  • IGC Research on India

Common tongue? How mother tongue instruction influences education

The recently released draft of the National Education Policy stresses the importance of education in the mother tongue, especially in the formative years at school. This column seeks to uncover the li...

  • Perspectives

School consolidation in Himachal Pradesh: Achieving quality and inclusion

While the emphasis on neighbourhood schooling in India’s education policy over the past 15 years has increased enrolment, it has also contributed to a proliferation of poor quality, small schools. To ...

  • Perspectives

Improving School Governance at Scale: A Randomised Evaluation of the Madhya Pradesh School Quality Assessment Programme

Weak governance is a critical constraint in delivering quality education in developing countries. This project conducts a randomised evaluation of one of the most ambitious recent attempts by a develo...

  • IGC Research on India