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Network membership and demand for health insurance

Despite being free and having liberal eligibility criteria, the adoption of public health insurance in India remains low. This article examines how informal networks influence adoption behaviour, in t...

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Powering progress: How reliable community electrification boosts women’s autonomy

While there has been significant progress in expanding access to grid electricity in India, the reliability of electricity remains a concern. Based on five national-level datasets spanning over a peri...

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Competitive jobseekers: When sharing less leaves firms at a loss

For efficient matching of jobs and workers in the labour market, it is essential that information on job postings reaches suitable jobseekers. While social networks play a key role in this regard, com...

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Human development in India’s Economic Survey 2019-20

Measuring changes in human development can help us understand how the economy, and well-being of a country, is changing. The chapter on human development in this year’s Economic Survey emphasises th...

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The early advantage: Learning levels in grade 1

According to ASER 2019, children in grade 1 of government schools in India lag behind private school children in both language and numeracy skills. In this post, Wilima Wadhwa explains that children i...

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Learning environment as third teacher? Evidence on the impact of school infrastructure

One of the ways to ensure education quality in schools is to create education facilities that are child-centred and provide a safe, inclusive, and effective learning environment for all. In this post,...

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The precocious period: Impact of early menarche on schooling in India

In socio-cultural contexts onset of menstruation (menarche) adversely affects educational attainments of girls. This article shows that onset of menses before age 12 causes a 13% decrease in school en...

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Has the National Rural Health Mission improved utilisation of maternal healthcare services in Bihar?

Bihar is a socioeconomically backward state with a persistently poor record with respect to maternal and child health indicators. Based on data from the National Sample Surveys on healthcare, this art...

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Banerjee and Duflo’s journey with Pratham

This year’s economics Nobel laureates Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo have worked closely with education NGO Pratham in India for more than 20 years. Over time, this unique partnership of research...

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Draft National Education Policy: Vision for out-of-school children

The draft National Education Policy released in May 2019 took a step forward by recommending an extension of the scope of the right to education act by including pre-primary and secondary education wi...

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What the Swachh Bharat Mission did not change

On the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and 5th anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Coffey and Spears discuss findings from a field survey about changes in open defecation in rura...

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Access to toilets and public safety of women

Launched on 2 October 2014, Swachh Bharat Mission aimed to increase the proportion of rural households with access to a toilet from 38.8% to 100% by 2019. In the run-up to Gandhi Jayanti and the 5th a...

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What will determine the costs of Prime Minister’s Jan Arogya Yojana?

The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana was launched in 2018 with the aim of covering hospitalisation expenses of the vulnerable 40% of the population, to protect them against financial risk arising out ...

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Is trade with India changing Africa’s healthcare landscape?

After China, India has become the second largest trading partner with sub-Saharan Africa. The southern and western regions of Africa – which have the largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS wo...

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Understanding school choices under RTE’s 25% mandate

Section 12(1)(c) of the Right To Education Act mandates non-minority status private schools to reserve at least 25% seats for the disadvantaged and weaker sections of the society. This article analyse...

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Aditya Shrinivas

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore


Kathy Baylis

University of California, Santa Barbara


Ben Crost

University of Calgary


Anirban Mukherjee

University of Calcutta


Tanika Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta


Titir Bhattacharya

University of Warwick


Debayan Pakrashi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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