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Network membership and demand for health insurance

Despite being free and having liberal eligibility criteria, the adoption of public health insurance in India remains low. This article examines how informal networks influence adoption behaviour, in t...

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Powering progress: How reliable community electrification boosts women’s autonomy

While there has been significant progress in expanding access to grid electricity in India, the reliability of electricity remains a concern. Based on five national-level datasets spanning over a peri...

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Competitive jobseekers: When sharing less leaves firms at a loss

For efficient matching of jobs and workers in the labour market, it is essential that information on job postings reaches suitable jobseekers. While social networks play a key role in this regard, com...

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Rural sanitation: A charter of demands

A government survey shows that 93% of rural households in India have access to a toilet and 96% of those having a toilet use them. However, critics point out contradictions between these data and micr...

  • Notes from the Field

Why do parents invest in girls’ education? Evidence from rural India

Adolescent girls in rural Rajasthan frequently leave education early and marry young. This article develops a novel methodology to elicit average parental preferences over a daughter's education and a...

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Sustained health benefits of ICDS: Later life evidence

Child malnutrition is a serious concern for India where more than half of the children under age five are moderately or severely malnourished. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) launched...

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Right to Education Act: Trends in enrolment, test scores, and school quality

A decade ago, India joined a range of countries that mandate free, compulsory education for school-aged children. Passed in August 2009, India’s Right to Education Act was potentially transformative...

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Social protection in the Union Budget 2019

In this post, Sudha Narayanan analyses the provisions pertaining to social protection in the Union Budget 2019. She contends that while the budgetary figures give the impression that the Government is...

  • Perspectives

Building foundations well: The challenge for primary education

Rukmini Banerji contends that the draft New Education Policy gets it right in emphasising the importance of Early Childhood Care and Education and the need to urgently work on establishing foundationa...

  • Perspectives

A quiet revolution: The case of primary education in Uttar Pradesh

The challenge in India’s school education system today is how to translate years of schooling into learning. While there is reason to lament the learning crisis, a quiet movement is taking place in ...

  • Notes from the Field

It runs in the family: Parents’ education and child learning outcomes

Early life learning is known to influence later life outcomes like schooling, employment, and income. It is thus vital to identify strategies to enhance child learning in schools. This article examine...

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Labelled loans and sanitation investments

Rural Indian households report lack of affordability as the main reason for not having a toilet. This article investigates – through an experiment in rural Maharashtra – whether microcredit labell...

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What do children in rural India do in their early years?

This year’s Annual Status of Education Report throws light on what children in India do in their early years. In this article, Bhattacharjea and Ramanujan argue that the assumption that there is a u...

  • Perspectives

Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials in India: District-level estimates from Census 2011

The 2011 Indian Census data show a higher growth rate of Muslim population compared to the Hindu population. This article provides an in-depth picture of Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials at the di...

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School education in India: Equity in learning?

In recent years, the focus has shifted from enrolment to learning in school education in India. The debate has been centred on learning levels of children and whether they moved up or down, but what a...

  • Perspectives

Recent Contributors


Aditya Shrinivas

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore


Kathy Baylis

University of California, Santa Barbara


Ben Crost

University of Calgary


Anirban Mukherjee

University of Calcutta


Tanika Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta


Titir Bhattacharya

University of Warwick


Debayan Pakrashi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials in India: District-level estimates from Census 2011

The 2011 Indian Census data show a higher growth rate of Muslim population compared to the Hindu population. This article provides an in-depth picture of Hindu-Muslim fertility differentials at the di...

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Ten steps to transform the quality of education in India

In this article, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Managing Director of Educational Initiatives, suggests 10 initiatives that can help transform the quality of education in India.

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Understanding India’s mental health crisis

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, several reports have indicated a worsening of mental health issues among individuals across age groups. In this post, Michele Mary Bernadine examines the stat...

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