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Network membership and demand for health insurance

Despite being free and having liberal eligibility criteria, the adoption of public health insurance in India remains low. This article examines how informal networks influence adoption behaviour, in t...

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Powering progress: How reliable community electrification boosts women’s autonomy

While there has been significant progress in expanding access to grid electricity in India, the reliability of electricity remains a concern. Based on five national-level datasets spanning over a peri...

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Competitive jobseekers: When sharing less leaves firms at a loss

For efficient matching of jobs and workers in the labour market, it is essential that information on job postings reaches suitable jobseekers. While social networks play a key role in this regard, com...

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Causes and consequences of low caloric intake in India: Nutrition, productivity, and cognition

Many of the world’s poor consume very few calories. Because calories are not just consumption, but also an input into production, this low consumption may dampen labour productivity and impede decis...

  • IGC Research on India

Self-reported health data: Issues and solutions

Health data from the National Sample Survey shows an increase in morbidity in India over the years. However, given that the data is self-reported, it is difficult to ascertain whether this indeed refl...

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Improving maternal and child health through conditional cash transfers

Cash transfers to the poor, conditional on use of particular public services, are a popular tool to increase healthcare utilisation. This column evaluates the impact of one such scheme – Janani Sura...

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Reservation under RTE: Status of implementation and way forward

Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education Act, 2009, mandates that non-minority private unaided schools should reserve at least 25% of seats in entry-level grades for children from economically weak...

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New Education Policy: Addressing institutional concerns

Failure of education policy has been attributed, at least in part, to implementation issues. In this article, Kiran Bhatty, Senior Fellow at the Center for Policy Research, contends that the poor sta...

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Child development: How are Indian states faring?

The recent release of the ‘Rapid Survey On Children’ report presents an opportunity to take a fresh look at the state of Indian children. Based on a simple Child Development Index constructed for...

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New Education Policy: Incorporating a 'Right to Learn' Act

In this article, Geeta Kingdon, Professor of Education Economics and International Development, University College London, discusses some of the provisions of the Right to Education Act, 2009 that are...

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Five priorities for the New Education Policy

In this article, Ashish Dhawan, Founder and Chairman of Central Square Foundation, lays out five broad priorities for the New Education Policy – ensuring robust data on children’s learning, stren...

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Teaching at the right level: Solutions for low learning levels in India

At least half of all children in India have not acquired basic literacy and arithmetic skills by the end of primary school. In this article, Rukmini Banerji of Pratham and J-PAL Director Esther Duflo...

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New Education Policy: Putting money where learning is

More public expenditure on elementary education in India in recent years has not translated into better learning outcomes of schoolchildren. In this article, Anit Mukherjee from the Center for Global...

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Of Picasso and Cezanne: Early achievers vs. late bloomers

Children learn at different paces – some are early achievers while others bloom late. In this article, Desai and Vanneman, Professors of Sociology at University of Maryland, present evidence to sho...

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Getting reading right, right now

In this article, Lant Pritchett, Professor of the Practice of International Development at Harvard Kennedy School, contends that children of 2015 in India are not getting the education they need to b...

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Recent Contributors


Aditya Shrinivas

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore


Kathy Baylis

University of California, Santa Barbara


Ben Crost

University of Calgary


Anirban Mukherjee

University of Calcutta


Tanika Chakraborty

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta


Titir Bhattacharya

University of Warwick


Debayan Pakrashi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Sarani Saha

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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