
I4I@10: A quick look at a decade in the making

  • Blog Post Date 19 July, 2022
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On the 10th anniversary of Ideas for India (I4I), we take a look at some of our major achievements and key moments since our launch on 19 July, 2012.

Spearheaded by the late Prof. Ashok Kotwal and a group of prominent economists at the International Growth Centre, I4I was intended to showcase economic and policy research which was evidence-based and accessible. In the decade that followed, I4I was able to achieve that mission by hosting over 2,000 unique ideas – from articles to perspectives and notes from the field. Our reach has expanded beyond the website, and I4I articles have been reprinted and mentioned around 300 times in external publications and translated into 4 other languages.                              

The success was in no small part due to the efforts of the Editorial Board – a diverse and erudite group of economists and civil society leaders, now headed by Prof. Parikshit Ghosh as Editor-in-Chief – and the authors who have worked with the I4I team to share their ideas with a wider audience. From 60 contributors at the time of its inception, I4I now has over 1,600 regular contributors, writing on a wide range of topics. 

Our engaged readers remain at the heart of everything we do – In 2021, we received 1.2 million page views, and we spoke to 13,000 followers on Twitter. Keeping our audience in mind, we have hosted panel discussions, webinars and podcasts – including the I4I Conversations series commissioned to commemorate this 10th anniversary – and introduced popular formats such as the e-symposia and budget series. 

The past decade has established I4I as the leading platform for policy and development research in India, but our work is just beginning – stay tuned for more.

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