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Are cities holding India back from reaching its ambitious net zero targets?

While per capita emissions in global cities are significantly lower than the national average, large Indian cities like Delhi and Kolkata emit up to double the national average. Shah and Downes look a...

  • Perspectives

Urban India's housing supply response to migration-induced demand

Has urban housing supply in India kept pace with rising demand? Using Census data between 2001 and 2011, this article studies the market supply of housing in response to migration-induced housing dema...

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How India’s internal borders inhibit migration

Indians, particularly men seeking education and jobs, display a puzzling reluctance to cross state borders. This article explores the reasons for this migration pattern. A major culprit is India’s s...

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The Growth of Cities in India, 1870-2020

The aim of this project is to understand the determinants of city growth in India in the short run and over the long period. By analysing data on cities from every decennial Census conducted in India ...

  • IGC Research on India

Data-jam: Could data reduce road congestion in Dhaka?

While urbanisation is key to economic growth, failure to address the downsides of the process - such as congestion - may deter the ability of cities to achieve their full growth potential. This colum...

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The Changing Face of Circular Migration in Bihar

The aim of this project is to investigate the changing patterns of circular migration from rural Bihar, the place of origin for many of India's labour/seasonal migrants. The study focuses specifically...

  • IGC Research on India

One step forward, one step back? Ahmedabad's evolving urban policy

India’s urbanisation process has come to be characterised by haphazard growth of cities, the costs of which are borne disproportionately by the poor. This column analyses Ahmedabad’s urban policy...

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India on the move: The commuting worker

About 25 million workers in India commute daily for work, from rural to urban areas or vice versa, or have no fixed place of work. This column finds that rural households with at least one rural-to-ur...

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Growing through cities in India

Do cities grow through specialisation or diversity? This column measures specialisation and diversity for the manufacturing and services sectors in India. It finds that Indian districts with a broade...

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A unique, informal banking system of rickshaw drivers in cities

Seasonal, rural migrants that drive rickshaws in cities have little or no access to formal financial institutions. Based on a survey of over 100 rickshaw drivers in Delhi, this article highlights a un...

  • Notes from the Field

What makes cities more competitive in India?

Policymakers in both developed and developing countries want to make cities more competitive, attract new entrepreneurs, boost economic growth, and promote job creation. This column shows that the two...

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India's spatial disparities: Have big cities become too congested?

A key driver of the Indian economy is its rapidly growing service sector. This column compares the spatial growth pattern of the sector in India and other countries. It is found that while in US and ...

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JNNURM and environmental sustainability

Can entrepreneurship be a vehicle for social mobility in India? This column analyses data from micro, small and medium enterprises, and finds clear and persistent caste and gender disparities in virtu...

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Electricity demand in urban Indian households: Influencing consumer behaviour

The huge and fast growing urban middle class of India uses a significant amount of electricity at their homes. This column argues that there is a need to focus on managing demand of electricity, and d...

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Is India's manufacturing sector moving out of cities?

While urbanisation is moving ahead at a rapid pace in India, industrialisation has slowed down. What explains this disconnect between urbanisation and infrastructure? This column presents results of a...

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Recent Contributors


Ronak Jain

University of Zurich


Gaurav Dhamija

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad


Punarjit Roychowdhury

Shiv Nadar University


Binay Shankar

Shiv Nadar University


Gurbachan Singh

Independent Economist


Satyaki Sensarma

Delhi School of Economics


Rana Hasan

Asian Development Bank


Jagan Shah

Artha Global

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