Tag Search: “monetary policy”
How to go about chasing black money
In the context of demonetisation, Indira Rajaraman argues that the focus of any sustainable reform of the taxation structure must be on reducing flows of tax evasion, not going after existing caches o...
Indira Rajaraman
30 January, 2017
- Perspectives
Aadhaar, demonetisation, and the poor
There is a view that an Aadhaar-centred apparatus of digital inclusion can shield the poor from the problematic effects of demonetisation. In this article, Silvia Masiero argues that constraints of te...
Silvia Masiero
09 January, 2017
- Perspectives
Assessing the impact of demonetisation through the gender lens
In this article, Mitali Nikore, Senior Consultant at PwC India, highlights how demonetisation is impacting women differentially, and offers policy suggestions on how the negative effects can be mitiga...
Mitali Nikore
04 January, 2017
- Perspectives
Terms of trade shocks and monetary policy in India
Understanding monetary policy design in emerging markets and developing economies is a growing area of research. One aspect that is missing is how distortions in the agricultural sector translate into...
Chetan Ghate
Sargam Gupta
Debdulal Mallick
31 December, 2016
- IGC Research on India
On demonetisation
On the evening of 8 November, the Prime Minister announced on national television that Rs. 1,000 and 500 notes are no longer legal tender, and must be exchanged at the banks for newly issued currency....
Parikshit Ghosh
23 December, 2016
- Symposium
Demonetisation: A thunderbolt in search of a target
In this article, Ajit Karnik, Professor of Economics at Middlesex University, Dubai, examines the various rationales that have been trotted out to justify demonetisation and finds little evidence to b...
Ajit Karnik
23 December, 2016
- Perspectives
Post-demonetisation: Can the old notes return?
Banks in India are reported to have received about 87.7% of the demonetised currency notes so far. In this article, Badri Sunderarajan argues that when once all the old notes have come in, it would ma...
Badri Sunderarajan
22 December, 2016
- Perspectives
India’s demonetisation drive: Politics trumps economics
In this article, Siddhartha Mitra, Professor of Economics at Jadavpur University, argues that even though demonetisation fails the standard economic cost-benefit test with regard to its stated objecti...
Siddhartha Mitra
20 December, 2016
- Perspectives
Demonetisation: Some very counterintuitive effects in practice
Due to demonetisation, holders of black money lose if they cannot exchange their notes or sell these in the black market. It is widely reasoned that this implies an equal financial gain for the public...
Gurbachan Singh
18 December, 2016
- Perspectives
Will demonetisation lead to a protracted economic slowdown?
In this article, Pandey and Sengupta argue that the impact of the contractionary demand shock triggered by the note ban will gradually radiate from cash-intensive activities to virtually every sector ...
Radhika Pandey
Rajeswari Sengupta
15 December, 2016
- Perspectives
The demonetisation boondoggle
In this article, Amartya Lahiri, Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia, argues that all public policy must rely on a clear-headed cost-benefit analysis and the recent demonetisa...
Amartya Lahiri
04 December, 2016
- Perspectives
why demonetisation?
In this article, Sarmistha Pal, Chair in Financial Economics at the University of Surrey, examines whether the current government’s stance in tackling black money has significantly differed from its p...
Sarmistha Pal
01 December, 2016
- Perspectives