Tag Search: “nutrition”
Bihar's malnutrition crisis and potential solutions
The prevalence of underweight children in Bihar is higher than in any country in the world, and the provision of public services to address malnutrition is poor. Based on an assessment of the governm...
Ronald Abraham
Andrew Fraker
24 May, 2013
- Articles
Grain stocks: Is it a problem of storage capacity?
Foodgrains rot due to insufficient storage capacity, even as millions go to bed hungry. This column argues that increasing capacity is only a partial resolution. The crisis has happened before and wil...
Bharat Ramaswami
01 April, 2013
- Articles
Multi-dimensional deprivation in India: Comparisons with China and Vietnam
While several studies have compared India with China on economic measures such as GDP per capita, this column looks at a measure of people’s deprivation across a wide range of indicators. It finds Ind...
Ranjan Ray
22 October, 2012
- Articles
Child malnutrition in India and what can be done about it
While many things are getting better in India, the disturbing levels of child malnutrition are hardly changing. This column explores why and asks what can be done. It calls for more conditional cash t...
Pushkar Maitra
Anu Rammohan
15 October, 2012
- Articles
Child malnutrition: Why wealth isn't the only problem
Why does child malnutrition persist in India? This column argues that the reason is not limited to poverty or inadequate access to food; but that a lack of knowledge about healthy nutrition plays a vi...
Nisha Malhotra
08 October, 2012
- Articles
A national shame: Hunger and malnutrition in India
One area where India’s development falls desperately short is nutrition. Child malnutrition rates are higher in India than in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. This column argues that there can be no ...
Anil Deolalikar
23 July, 2012
- Articles
The Enigma of Malnutrition in India
This project uses data from 2004 to 2014 for 26 countries to make comparisons between South Asia and Africa, examining how the regional gap in child malnutrition varies with demographic and other char...
Seema Jayachandran
Rohini Pande
01 July, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Cognitive Effects of Supplementary School Feeding Programme
This project uses the exogenous policy shock of the extension of provision of school meals to upper primary grades in public schools in Delhi to study the effects of school meal intake on the cognitiv...
Farzana Afridi
Bidisha Barooah
Rohini Somanathan
01 April, 2012
- IGC Research on India