Tag Search: “nutrition”
Running out of water, walking away from farming
Groundwater tables are falling in India. What will happen when water actually runs out? This column analyses the impact of water scarcity on farmers in Gujarat. It finds that farmers are failing to or...
Ram Fishman
18 December, 2013
- Articles
Some reflections on the National Food Security Act
The Food Security Bill became an Act with little parliamentary opposition. Yet the public debate has lingered. Would subsidised food grains reduce malnutrition? Won’t it be better to invest in health...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
10 December, 2013
- Perspectives
A suggestion for WTO negotiations
India’s new food security law is likely to breach WTO’s limit on farmer support. India is keen to ask for a temporary exemption from the rule so that the law can be implemented unhindered. But, in re...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
02 December, 2013
- Perspectives
Do the poor need genetically modified crops?
Field trials of a few genetically modified crops were recently put on hold by the Environment Ministry. This article asserts that the decision reflects an ideological resistance to and suspicion about...
Milind Murugkar
22 November, 2013
- Perspectives
Estimating the nutritional impact of the Food Security Bill
The provisions of the new National Food Security Bill seek to expand the value and reach of food subsidies provided through the Public Distribution System. This column analyses the nutritional impact ...
Tara Kaul
18 November, 2013
- Articles
Doing a number on the Food Security Bill
In a recent article, Kotwal, Murugkar and Ramaswami pointed out errors in estimation by Surjit Bhalla that led him to assert that the Food Security Bill will increase cost of food subsidy by 336%, an...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
11 November, 2013
- Perspectives
On tackling child malnutrition
Is it the lack of information on nutrition given to mothers, or the lack of child care worker motivation that makes child malnutrition persist? This column cites results from a study undertaken in th...
Prakarsh Singh
30 August, 2013
- Articles
Correct costs of the Food Security Bill
In a recent article, Surjit Bhalla has asserted that the Food Security Bill will increase costs of food grain subsidy by 336%. Correcting errors in his calculation brings this figure down to 18%. In t...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
28 August, 2013
- Perspectives
The National Food Security Ordinance: Five misconceptions
The National Food Security Ordinance was promulgated in July 2013. The public debate that ensued, especially the criticism in the business media, has tended to be either devoid of facts or factually ...
Reetika Khera
07 August, 2013
- Perspectives
The role of Bt cotton in improving food security
The role of genetically modified crops in the fight against hunger remains disputed. The debate primarily focuses on whether or not these crops can contribute to sustainable increases in food producti...
Shahzad Kouser
Matin Qaim
24 June, 2013
- Articles
Food Bill: Neither populist nor unaffordable
Criticism of the National Food Security Bill has led to the government dropping the idea of issuing an Ordinance and instead, saying it would try to get the Bill passed in a special session of Parlia...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
19 June, 2013
- Perspectives
Bihar's malnutrition crisis and potential solutions
The prevalence of underweight children in Bihar is higher than in any country in the world, and the provision of public services to address malnutrition is poor. Based on an assessment of the governm...
Ronald Abraham
Andrew Fraker
24 May, 2013
- Articles