Contributor : Profile
Samuel Scott is a Research Fellow at IFPRI’s (International Food Policy Research Institute) Poverty Health and Nutrition Division and conducts applied nutrition research in the South Asia region. He has experience working on iron deficiency and anaemia, adolescent health, biofortification, human functional outcomes such as cognition, behaviour change communication strategies, women’s self-help groups, school feeding programmes, and health systems.
Prior to joining IFPRI, he completed his postdoctoral research on “The Interactions of Malnutrition and Enteric Infections: Consequences for Child Health and Development (MAL-ED)” study. His doctoral research involved randomised controlled trials in India and Rwanda to measure the efficacy of iron-biofortified pearl millet and beans, and a study examining interrelations between iron status, physical fitness, and cognitive function among female college students in the US. He holds a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from The Pennsylvania State University.
Posts by Samuel Scott
पोषण में सुधार हेतु स्कूली भोजन योजनाओं का महत्व
भारत में अल्पपोषित बच्चों की संख्या दुनिया में सबसे अधिक है और यहां मिड-डे मील (एमडीएम) के रूप में स्कूली भोजन की सबसे बड़ी योजना जारी है परंतु इस योजना के अंतर-पीढ़ीगत प्रभाव पर सीमित साक्ष्य उपलब्...
Harold Alderman
Suman Chakrabarti
Daniel Gilligan
Purnima Menon
Samuel Scott
24 अगस्त, 2021
- लेख
The power of school feeding programmes to improve nutrition
India has the world’s highest number of undernourished children and the largest school-feeding programme – the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) scheme – but limited evidence is available on the intergeneratio...
Harold Alderman
Suman Chakrabarti
Daniel Gilligan
Purnima Menon
Samuel Scott
04 August, 2021
- Articles