Tag Search: “Land”
Making the case for a common land registry
The lack of comprehensive data on India’s common lands affects conservation, resource use and land right conflicts. Chandran & Singh highlight the need for a national common land registry to reduce in...
Pooja Chandran
Subrata Singh
31 August, 2023
- Notes from the Field
Does development of transport infrastructure increase rural land inequality?
Investments in transport infrastructure reduce trade costs and lead to integration of villages with urban markets. This article suggests that this spatial integration could have the unintended consequ...
Claudia Berg
Brian Blankespoor
M. Shahe Emran
Forhad Shilpi
08 August, 2023
- Articles
Long-run impacts of tube well irrigation in India
Increasing agricultural productivity may significantly and positively impact welfare, income and the pace of structural transformation. Using India’s Green Revolution and the corresponding self-suffic...
Parul Jain
17 February, 2023
- Articles
Land misallocation and industrial development
Although a large share of land in India is used for cultivation, large tracts of this are unproductive and produce low crop yields. In this post, Dasgupta and Rao explain their calculations to determi...
Kunal Dasgupta
Rahul Rao
07 February, 2023
- Articles
Irrigation and the spatial pattern of local economic development in India
Irrigation projects across India are intended to boost agricultural productivity and rural development. In this post, Blakeslee et al. study the long-run effects of access to irrigation on the composi...
David Blakeslee
Aaditya Dar
Ram Fishman
Samreen Malik
Heitor Pellegrina
Karan Singh Bagavathinathan
25 January, 2023
- Articles
The panchayat asset register: An instrument to conserve India’s commons
With common lands making up nearly a quarter of Indian territory, the State has taken steps to protect them from encroachment. The Indian Constitution grants panchayats custodial rights to protect vil...
Pooja Chandran
Subrata Singh
07 December, 2022
- Perspectives
The long-run effects of agricultural productivity gains: Evidence from irrigation canals in India
Evidence from canals in India shows that labour mobility is a key channel to agricultural growth. This article shows that villages with access to canal water have persistently higher agricultural yiel...
Samuel Asher
Alison Campion
Douglas Gollin
Paul Novosad
21 October, 2022
- Articles
Urban India's housing supply response to migration-induced demand
Has urban housing supply in India kept pace with rising demand? Using Census data between 2001 and 2011, this article studies the market supply of housing in response to migration-induced housing dema...
Arnab Datta
Sahil Gandhi
Richard Green
24 June, 2022
- Articles
Role of history in shaping India’s economic development
As India is now completing 75 years of Independence, two big questions loom over the conversation around India’s economic development: How successful was the Indian economy before and during colonial ...
Bishnupriya Gupta
Lakshmi Iyer
24 February, 2022
- Podcasts
How colonial is Indian law?
Critiques of the colonial rule in India and its legacy have been extended to law – with many allusions to the need to shake off the yoke of the colonial legacy. In this post, Roy and Swamy unpack the ...
Tirthankar Roy
Anand Swamy
18 February, 2022
- Perspectives
Inter-gender and intra-gender gaps in land ownership in India
While women’s landownership is recognised as a key indicator of their economic empowerment, there are no detailed estimates of how many and which women own land in India. Analysing longitudinal data f...
Bina Agarwal
Pervesh Anthwal
Malvika Mahesh
24 November, 2021
- Articles
Sustainable livelihoods and resilience through community forest management
The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Rights) Act, 2006 adopts a rights-based approach to forest conservation and seeks to place local communities at the centre of...
Santosh Gedam
06 August, 2021
- Notes from the Field