Tag Search: “Land”

Impact of community mobilisation on land rights governance

Homestead land rights, that is, the security a household enjoys over the plot of land on which its dwelling is built, shape livelihoods and living standards for poor and marginalised populations in ru...

  • Articles

Land acquisition and corporate investment: Legacy of historical land ceiling legislations?

Firms in India often find it difficult to purchase land, resulting in projects being delayed, relocated, or cancelled. Analysing firm- and state-level data, this column explores the impact of post-in...

  • Perspectives

Land acquisition: Need for a shift in discourse?

Empirical evidence increasingly shows that farmers are willing to have their land acquired if the price-compensation package is acceptable. Given this trend, Dhanmanjiri Sathe argues that the discours...

  • Perspectives

Estimating economic value to the State from land title regularisation: Evidence from India

Nearly one in every six urban Indian residents lives in a slum that is created on encroached land. More than half of this land belongs to the government which often, for a variety of political, social...

  • IGC Research on India

Land acquisition law: The buck stops with the states

Some believe that by encouraging states to enact their own versions of the land acquisition law, the central government is diluting the law. In this article, Dhanmanjiri Sathe, Professor of Economics ...

  • Perspectives

Land acquisition and structural transformation in Bihar: An analysis of alternative approaches

This project has three main objectives: One, the construction and analysis of a theoretical framework to evaluate the various options open to the government of Bihar to facilitate land acquisition for...

  • IGC Research on India

Land and financial misallocation in India

Optimising the allocation of factors of production – land, capital and labour - improves productivity. In India, where evidence suggests land is severely misallocated to inefficient manufacturing firm...

  • Articles

Land in India: Market price vs. fundamental value

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015, is focused on protecting the few home buyers who can afford to buy homes but does not address the issue of high land prices, which is a very se...

  • Articles

Regulating land markets: The colonial inheritance

State intervention in markets is usually thought of as a post-independence phenomenon. However, this column demonstrates that extensive State intervention in land and credit transactions can be traced...

  • Articles

How has land acquisition impacted dalits? A case study from Maharashtra

Land ownership in Indian villages is inextricably linked to caste, with dalits owing little or no land. Based on a survey in Maharashtra, this column assesses the impact of land acquisition and subse...

  • Articles

Land acquisition Act: Addressing both justice and prosperity

The Modi government’s land acquisition ordinance did away with the consent and social impact assessment requirements for private projects in certain sectors under UPA’s 2013 land Act. In this article...

  • Perspectives

Property rights, household conflict and suicide in India

Suicide has become the second leading cause of death among young Indians. This column finds that improved inheritance rights for women are associated with an increase in the incidence of suicide amon...

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