Tag Search: “corruption”
‘I Paid A Bribe’: Using technology to fight corruption in India
‘I Paid A bribe’ (ipaidabribe.com) harnesses the collective energy of Indian citizens against corruption by enabling them to report anonymously on the nature, number, pattern, types, location, frequen...
Venkatesh Kannaiah
06 June, 2016
- Notes from the Field
Is Bihar the new poster boy for PDS reforms?
Food security is a critical issue and Bihar has made remarkable progress over the years. The aim of this project was to document the supply side reforms in Bihar’s PDS and explain why or why not these...
Aaditya Dar
Chinmaya Kumar
Pankaj Verma
01 April, 2016
- IGC Research on India
MNREGA: Vision and reality
In this article, Martin Ravallion, Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, contends that the main proximate reason for MNREGA’s disappointing performance is that many people in poor areas of...
Martin Ravallion
16 March, 2016
- Perspectives
How a corruption scam brought MNREGA to a standstill in Nanded
Nanded district in Maharashtra demonstrated exemplary performance in MNREGA until 2012-13, when the exposure of a corruption scam brought the programme to a virtual standstill. In this note, researche...
Sangita Jadhav
Ashwini Kulkarni
Aysha Shamsuddin
28 January, 2016
- Notes from the Field
Boom and Bust: Institutional causes of India's growth slowdown in 2011
The slowdown in India’s growth in 2011 is generally attributed to the global financial crisis and domestic policy paralysis. In this article, Kunal Sen argues that the high growth rates in the 2000s ...
Kunal Sen
22 December, 2015
- Perspectives
Education reform and frontline administrators: A case study from Bihar - II
The frontline administration in India is infamous for corruption and patronage, indifference towards citizens, low effort and high absenteeism. This column reports findings from a year-long qualitati...
Yamini Aiyar
Vincy Davis
Ambrish Dongre
16 October, 2015
- Articles
Education reform and frontline administrators: A case study from Bihar - I
The frontline administration in India is infamous for corruption and patronage, indifference towards citizens, low effort and high absenteeism. This column reports findings from a year-long qualitati...
Yamini Aiyar
Vincy Davis
Ambrish Dongre
15 October, 2015
- Articles
What do we know about corruption in India?
Despite ample media coverage of corruption, there remains a gap between headline-making scandals, policy options under discussion, and the actual evidence base drawn from empirical research on corrup...
Sandip Sukhtankar
Milan Vaishnav
16 September, 2015
- Articles
The significance of local power structures in Bihar's coupon-based PDS
In 2007, Bihar introduced the coupon system in PDS to curb leakages at fair price shops. This column argues that even though the administrative logic of the coupon system is fundamentally sound, such...
Chetan Choithani
Bill Pritchard
17 August, 2015
- Articles
Elucidating avenues for corruption: Micronutrient fortification strategies in India’s Midday Meals Programme
Globally, iron deficiency is a leading cause of anaemia, a condition that is particularly harmful during early childhood, causing fatigue and slower physical and cognitive development with potentially...
James Berry
Saurabh Mehta
Priya Mukherjee
Gauri Kartini Shastry
30 July, 2015
- IGC Research on India
Strategically greasing the wheels: The political economy of India’s rural employment guarantee scheme
Inefficient and capacity-constrained bureaucracies often pose a significant hurdle to the effective implementation of anti-poverty programmes in developing countries.
Aditya Dasgupta
James Robinson
31 March, 2015
- IGC Research on India
Three concerns about AAP's promise
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has come to power in Delhi with a historic mandate. In this article, V Ramani, Partner at Access Advisory and former bureaucrat, flags three key concerns around their approa...
V. Ramani
18 February, 2015
- Perspectives