Tag Search: “nutrition”
Elucidating avenues for corruption: Micronutrient fortification strategies in India’s Midday Meals Programme
Globally, iron deficiency is a leading cause of anaemia, a condition that is particularly harmful during early childhood, causing fatigue and slower physical and cognitive development with potentially...
James Berry
Saurabh Mehta
Priya Mukherjee
Gauri Kartini Shastry
30 July, 2015
- IGC Research on India
Religion and health in early childhood: Evidence from South Asia
The widespread malnutrition of children in South Asia is persistent and troubling. Given the importance of religion in the region, this column examines the relationship between inequalities in child ...
Elizabeth Brainerd
Nidhiya Menon
03 July, 2015
- Articles
Women's empowerment and child malnutrition in rural India
Research has found mother’s empowerment to have a positive impact on the nutrition status of their children. This column analyses this relationship for data from rural India for the period 1992-2006....
Samuel Annim
Raghav Gaiha
Katsushi Imai
Veena S. Kulkarni
19 June, 2015
- Articles
A campaign to end malnutrition in Bihar
About 55% of 0-3 year old children in the state of Bihar are malnourished. In this article, Hena Naqvi, State Programme Officer at the Department of Social Welfare, Government of Bihar, describes an ...
Hena Naqvi
08 May, 2015
- Notes from the Field
Droughts and child health
Research has pointed towards the importance of foetal health in child development. Assessing the impact of rainfall variability on child health, this column finds that exposure to drought in the womb...
Santosh Kumar
Ramona Molitor
Sebastian Vollmer
27 January, 2015
- Articles
The youngest are hungriest
Babies born in India are more likely to be stunted than those in sub-Saharan Africa, even though the former are better off on average. This column examines how the India-Africa height gap varies by b...
Seema Jayachandran
Rohini Pande
17 September, 2014
- Articles
Putting undernutrition higher on the political agenda in India
In his previous article, Lawrence Haddad contented that globally, we are in the midst of a ‘perfect storm’ for ending undernutrition, and maximum effort is required to take advantage of this transfor...
Lawrence Haddad
02 July, 2014
- Perspectives
Ending undernutrition: In clear sight?
The World Health Assembly is targeting a decline of 100 million in the number of stunted under-five children by 2025; a 10% decline in stunting rates in India by 2014 can close a fifth of the gap. Th...
Lawrence Haddad
30 June, 2014
- Perspectives
What explains declining calorie consumption in India?
It is puzzling to note that while real household expenditures and incomes in rural India have been on the rise, average calorie intake has declined. Analysing data from the National Sample Survey, th...
Amit Basole
Deepankar Basu
16 June, 2014
- Articles
The nutrition puzzles: Need for more holistic solutions
In this column, the author critiques the approach of only focusing on nutrition and health sector-related solutions for achieving food security. She calls for more holistic approaches that take into a...
Uma Lele
28 April, 2014
- Articles
Giving up too early on malnourished children? Catch-up growth and Midday Meals
It is widely believed that malnourishment in the first few years of childhood adversely affects cognition and adult economic outcomes. This column presents new research which shows that full recovery...
Abhijeet Singh
14 April, 2014
- Articles
Bali conundrum: WTO and Indian agriculture
The outcome of the recent WTO meetings at Bali is a stopgap arrangement, which implies that the Indian government does not have to make any changes in the implementation of the new Food Security Act i...
Ashok Kotwal
Milind Murugkar
Bharat Ramaswami
15 January, 2014
- Perspectives