Does industrial water pollution harm agricultural production?
While toxic foam regularly appears on lakes and rivers in major Indian cities, water pollution has not received as much attention as air pollution. Examining the impact of industrial water pollution o...
Nicholas Hagerty
Anshuman Tiwari
02 January, 2025
- Articles
Female legislators and forest conservation
While women are known to be more concerned about the environment than men, do these preferences translate into action when women hold political power? This article shows that in constituencies reserve...
Sutirtha Bandyopadhyay
Naveen Hari
Bipasha Maity
Pranabes Probeshika Dutta
18 November, 2024
- Articles
Financing the climate transition of India’s power sector
A cornerstone of India’s climate transition plan is to shift towards a high-efficiency, low-emission power sector. In this post, Vardhan and Tilotia outline the investment and financing challenges a...
Akhilesh Tilotia
Harsh Vardhan
11 November, 2024
- Perspectives
Panel discussion: Creating a sustainable growth strategy for India
The previous I4I post presented videos from the first session of the India Sustainable Growth Conference hosted at LSE in May, wherein researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders deliberated on h...
I4I Team
07 June, 2024
- Events
India Sustainable Growth Conference: A recap
India is at the forefront of the global challenge of sustainable growth – adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its adverse effects must take place simultaneously with efforts to alleviate ...
I4I Team
05 June, 2024
- Events
Financing India’s green structural transformation
While India has launched an ambitious green structural transformation programme – with some initial successes to its credit – it is still nascent and there is a need to mobilise more resources. In...
Ejaz Ghani
03 June, 2024
- Perspectives
Going green while being in the red
In the third post of a three-part blog series, I4I Editor-in-Chief Parikshit Ghosh advocates for a holistic approach that harmonises India’s environmental policy, social safety nets, and macroeconom...
Parikshit Ghosh
01 May, 2024
- Perspectives
India’s opportunity for sustainable growth
In the second post of a three-part blog series, Tim Dobermann and Nikita Sharma contend that it is important for India to choose a growth trajectory that prioritises raising living standards while min...
Tim Dobermann
Nikita Sharma
30 April, 2024
- Perspectives
The why and how of environmental protection: Examining the evidence
In the first post of a three-part blog series, I4I Editorial advisor Nalini Gulati summarises a selection of studies on the adverse impact of environmental degradation on human health as well as econo...
Nalini Gulati
29 April, 2024
- Perspectives
India Sustainable Growth Conference, 2-4 May 2024
Hosted by the International Growth Centre, LSE STICERD’s Economics of Environment and Energy Programme, University of Warwick and Indian Statistical Institute, the India Sustainable Growth Conferenc...
I4I Team
22 April, 2024
- Editors Corner
Safeguarding agricultural households against climate shocks
Extreme climate events are taking place more often and for longer, jeopardising the economic stability of agricultural households. This article shows that coping strategies adopted by households in re...
Sravanthi Choragudi
Anirban Kundu
22 April, 2024
- Articles
Do women leaders improve environmental outcomes? Evidence from crop fires in India
This study looks at how women leadership improves environmental outcomes. Using satellite data from India, it compares incidence of crop fires between constituencies where women narrowly won or lost e...
Maulik Jagnani
Meera Mahadevan
03 October, 2023
- Articles
Does India’s air pollution impact more than just health?
Air pollution presents a significant risk to human health in India, a fact which is now widely appreciated. Less well-known is a body of evidence suggesting that air pollution harms the day-to-day fun...
Sandra Aguilar-Gomez
Holt Dwyer
Joshua Graff Zivin
Matthew Neidell
11 September, 2023
- Perspectives
How feasible is it to phase out coal-fired power plants? Evidence from a global attitudes survey
Coal-fired power plants are a highly polluting energy source but people are either unaware or unable to convey their dissatisfaction about living with poor air quality. Using survey data from 51 low- ...
Timothy Besley
Azhar Hussain
25 August, 2023
- Articles
Effects of climate shocks on sectoral inequality
Over the last three decades, agricultural and industrial sector workers have suffered consumption losses due to temperature rise while those in the services sector saw consumption increases. This arti...
Raavi Aggarwal
10 August, 2023
- Articles
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Tweets by Ideas4IndiaMost Popular Environment Posts
Happy Seeder: A solution to agricultural fires in north India
It is believed that much of the pollution in Delhi in November every year originates in the neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana where farmers burn their fields to dispose of crop residue. This ...
Ridhima Gupta
E. Somanathan
12 November, 2016
- Articles
Carbon dioxide emissions from India’s industries: Data sources and discrepancies
Industries are one of the most significant contributors to energy-related carbon-dioxide (energy-CO2) emissions in India – the share of industries in the total emissions was 25%, second only to powe...
Manisha Jain
02 May, 2022
- Perspectives
Has environmental regulation been successful in India?
India has an impressive number of environmental regulations – but have they been a success? This column presents evidence that while initiatives such as catalytic converters for cars have reduced ai...
Michael Greenstone
Rema Hanna
16 May, 2012
- Articles