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Economic development of Punjab: Prospects and policies

While the north Indian state of Punjab topped per-capita income rankings within the country until year 2000, its position fell consistently thereafter. This article discusses the current state of Punj...

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Food, fuel, and facts: Distributional effects of global price shocks

The recent upsurge in global prices of essential commodities of food and fuel, warrants an analysis of the distributional ramifications, especially within developing economies. This article examines I...

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What will it take for the Indian economy to break out of the lower-middle-income bracket?

In 2007, India moved from the low-income to lower-middle-income category, as per the World Bank’s classification of countries by income. With clear aspirations to graduate into the higher brackets o...

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The labour reforms debate: Broadening horizons

Even as the government has indicated that it plans to go slow on labour reforms and build consensus among all stakeholders, trade unions are protesting against “anti-labour” reforms. In this arti...

  • Perspectives

Where is India's growth story headed?

The global financial crisis and domestic policy paralysis led to a decline in firms’ investment activities and investors’ business confidence in India. Could this have affected the economy’s lo...

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Assessing the economic effects of India 'Looking East'

PM Modi recently said that India needs to move from ‘Look East’ to ‘Act East’ and that this is a key component of his government’s foreign policy. In this article, Ganeshan Wignaraja, an ec...

  • Perspectives

Responding to external shocks

Following the global financial crisis of 2007-08, the Indian economy was exposed to various shocks. While the major source of shocks was external, the effects were magnified by certain lapses in dome...

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Analysing net foreign earnings of India's corporate sector

The corporate sector is the linchpin of the ‘Make in India’ campaign. This column finds that the sector is increasingly relying on imported inputs and its net foreign earnings are on the decline,...

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How serious are India's manufacturing skill gaps?

It is widely believed that skill gaps are constraining Indian manufacturing, and closing these gaps has become a national priority. This column argues that the public debate on India’s skill gaps r...

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Land acquisition debate: The price is not right

The central government’s move to amend the 2013 land acquisition Act has come under criticism for being ‘anti-farmer’. In this article, Maitreesh Ghatak and Parikshit Ghosh argue that while the...

  • Perspectives

Rapid Response Project on Indian Firm Data

In March 2015, IGC organised a Workshop on Industry Data, held in Delhi. The workshop provided an opportunity for academics, policy makers and government agencies to discuss difficulties they face wit...

  • IGC Research on India

Why do so few women in India work?

Only about a third of working-age women in India have jobs. This column analyses the determinants of women’s participation in the labour market in India and finds that factors such as family income...

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Transit networks and regional development in India

Recent research illustrates the immediate positive effects of transit networks in India on rural employment, manufacturing growth and so on. This column focuses on the long-term impact of national hi...

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Will India really grow faster than China?

According to the IMF, India will overtake China to be the fastest growing economy this year. In this article, Chetan Ghate and Peter Robertson assess the validity of this claim. In their view, the ch...

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The nuances of inflation targeting in India

How prepared is India for inflation targeting? This column suggests that the larger weight assigned by the RBI to tackling inflation over the years, relative to other policy objectives such as stabil...

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Recent Contributors


Rajeswari Sengupta

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research


Prachi Mishra

Ashoka University


Nikhil Patel

International Monetary Fund


Joshua Aizenman

University of Southern California

Gazi Salah

Gazi Salah Uddin

Linköping University, Sweden


Jamel Saadaoui

University Paris 8


Irfan Qureshi

Asian Development Bank


Donghyun Park

Asian Development Bank

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