High public debt in India: 9 stylised facts
The Covid-induced surge in public debt in India was unique compared to its own history, but also bigger and driven by different factors relative to the average emerging market economy. In this post, M...
Prachi Mishra
Nikhil Patel
20 December, 2024
- Perspectives
Uneven resilience: Why some emerging markets better navigate US monetary policy cycles
As the US dollar and monetary policy continue to have a significant impact on global financial dynamics, some emerging markets are observed to be more resilient than others to the policy cycles. Analy...
Joshua Aizenman
Donghyun Park
Irfan Qureshi
Jamel Saadaoui
Gazi Salah Uddin
30 September, 2024
- Articles
Growth, well-being and distribution in the last decade – II
In the first part of this two-part series, Balakrishnan and Parameswaran presented an assessment of the performance of the Indian economy on macroeconomic indicators. In this post, they focus on well-...
Pulapre Balakrishnan
M. Parameswaran
22 March, 2024
- Perspectives
Understanding the differing fortunes of poor people in India and China
It is no secret that India and China have both been growing impressively and that the incidence of extreme poverty has been falling. But this column shows that if India’s economic growth had been as...
Martin Ravallion
18 July, 2012
- Articles
A new voice
It is with some trepidation, but with huge excitement, that I present to you Ideas for India – a new voice in the cacophony of conversations on Indian growth and development. Hopefully, this will be...
Ashok Kotwal
18 July, 2012
- Perspectives
Land acquisition: Is there a way out?
India is hungry for space to grow into a developed economy. Yet this hunger is increasingly raiding farmland and threatening traditional livelihoods. For some, this is a necessary evil, for others it ...
Maitreesh Ghatak
Parikshit Ghosh
16 July, 2012
- Articles
Management practices in retail, education and healthcare sectors in India
This project presents an in-depth descriptive look at the state of management practices in India. Using a unique dataset measuring the quality of management practices across countries and sectors, it ...
Renata Lemos
Daniela Scur
31 May, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Macroeconomic Takeoff and Distributional Churning in India
The past 25 years have witnessed a remarkable economic catch-up by the historically discriminated against scheduled castes and tribes (SC/STs) in India towards non-SC/ST levels in terms of their educa...
Viktoria Hnatkovska
Amartya Lahiri
01 April, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Status-based taxation: A proposal to increase tax revenue collection
This project explores whether concerns for social status can be exploited as a 'carrot' to encourage tax compliance and increase tax revenue collection in developing countries. The central idea is to ...
Raj Chetty
31 March, 2012
- IGC Research on India
What do Indian CEOs do? Time Use of Indian Top Executives: Determinants and Implications for Growth
This project presents evidence on the labour supply of CEOs, and on whether family and professional CEOs differ on this dimension. It does so through a new survey instrument that allows it to codify C...
Oriana Bandiera
Andrea Prat
Raffaella Sadun
31 March, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Understanding fiscal capacity in developing economies: Firms as third-party tax enforcers
The difference in tax revenues (as a percentage of GDP) between developed and developing countries has always been consistently large. An IMF report estimates it to be 10-15 percentage points.
Henrik Kleven
Claus Kreiner
Emmanuel Saez
01 March, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Multinationals and growth in developing countries
Recent work has highlighted the incredible dispersion of productivity in developing countries and how this contributes to their lower aggregate productivity levels.
Philippe Aghion
John Van Reenen
28 February, 2012
- IGC Research on India
The Agricultural Productivity Gap in Developing Countries
According to national accounts data for developing countries, value added per worker is on average four times higher in the non-agriculture sector than in agriculture.
David Lagakos
Michael Waugh
01 January, 2012
- IGC Research on India
Does Foreign Institutional Investment in India Increase Financial Vulnerability? An Empirical Investigation Using an Event Study Approach
Emerging market policymakers are concerned about the effects of foreign portfolio flows on financial stability. Do tail events in the home country trigger off extreme responses by foreign investors an...
Ila Patnaik
Jean Paul Rabanal
Ajay Shah
Nirvikar Singh
31 October, 2011
- IGC Research on India
Setting Tax Targets: An Experiment for Government of Bihar
The project was conducted on the request of Principal Secretary, Department of Commercial Taxes, Bihar. The main aim of the project was to understand what needs to be done to set district-wise commerc...
Chirashree Das Gupta
Pronay Sarkar
30 April, 2011
- IGC Research on India
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Land in India: Market price vs. fundamental value
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015, is focused on protecting the few home buyers who can afford to buy homes but does not address the issue of high land prices, which is a very se...
Gurbachan Singh
29 February, 2016
- Articles
Land records and titles in India
Land ownership is broadly determined by access to a land title, which protects the rights of the title-holder, and impacts livelihoods, and industrial, economic, and social growth. However, land title...
Prachee Mishra
Roopal Suhag
20 November, 2017
- Perspectives
West Bengal’s economic performance relative to India over the last three decades
Against the backdrop of the ongoing elections in West Bengal, Maitreesh Ghatak examines how the state’s economic performance compares with that of the country as a whole, over the past three decades...
Maitreesh Ghatak
01 May, 2021
- Articles