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Economic development of Punjab: Prospects and policies

While the north Indian state of Punjab topped per-capita income rankings within the country until year 2000, its position fell consistently thereafter. This article discusses the current state of Punj...

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Food, fuel, and facts: Distributional effects of global price shocks

The recent upsurge in global prices of essential commodities of food and fuel, warrants an analysis of the distributional ramifications, especially within developing economies. This article examines I...

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What will it take for the Indian economy to break out of the lower-middle-income bracket?

In 2007, India moved from the low-income to lower-middle-income category, as per the World Bank’s classification of countries by income. With clear aspirations to graduate into the higher brackets o...

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Long term recovery of the Indian economy depends on reforms

The Indian economy has been facing challenges in the form of sluggish growth, high inflation, and rising fiscal and current account deficits. This column highlights trends in the economic conditions,...

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Why India should not further delay a credit line from the IMF

India is expected to run a current account deficit of more than 4% of its GDP this year. At the moment this can be paid for with money coming in from abroad – but what if the flow of money were to ...

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The push and pull of skilling

Vocational training has been centre-stage in policy discussions in India over the past decade. This article discusses the perspectives of and dissatisfaction among the four groups of stakeholders in s...

  • Notes from the Field

What do Indian CEOs do?

While the Indian manufacturing sector has experienced rapid growth since the early 1990s, it is characterised by large productivity differences across firms and presence of several low productivity f...

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Property rights and technology transfer: Evidence from developing countries

The transfer of technology to poorer countries is essential for development. This column asks how this process is affected by intellectual property rights and whether the data can provide some policy ...

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Foreign investors under stress: Evidence at the firm level

Emerging market policymakers have been concerned about the financial stability implications of financial globalisation. These concerns are focussed particularly on behaviour under stressed conditions.

  • IGC Research on India

Commodity Taxation in India

This project examine cross‐country comparisons on commodity taxation in Bihar for 1994‐2012. The findings of the project suggested that the VAT reforms went a long way to harmonizing r...

  • IGC Research on India

Why Nations Fail: And why India and China don’t fit the story

‘Why Nations Fail’ by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson is becoming a must-read for development economists. But this column argues that the central thesis of the book fails to explain two big deve...

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Like parent, like child: Health transmission in developing countries

To what extent is children’s health determined by their mothers’ health? This column analyses three decades’ worth of data on over two million children across 38 developing countries to explore ...

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Capital controls in India: Did they work?

Are capital controls the right way to manage an economy? This column looks at what we can learn from India’s experience, where capital controls have never been fully dismantled.

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How to motivate India's community workers?

People who work on-the-ground are essential to India’s development effort. But how to get these teachers, health workers and so on to work hard when money is tight? This column argues that there are...

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Understanding India's monetary policy

From the outside looking in, it may seem that India’s central bank is making up its own rules, making it difficult to predict the next movements in the interest rate. This column argues that the cen...

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Recent Contributors


Rajeswari Sengupta

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research


Prachi Mishra

Ashoka University


Nikhil Patel

International Monetary Fund


Joshua Aizenman

University of Southern California

Gazi Salah

Gazi Salah Uddin

Linköping University, Sweden


Jamel Saadaoui

University Paris 8


Irfan Qureshi

Asian Development Bank


Donghyun Park

Asian Development Bank

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