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Economic development of Punjab: Prospects and policies

While the north Indian state of Punjab topped per-capita income rankings within the country until year 2000, its position fell consistently thereafter. This article discusses the current state of Punj...

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Food, fuel, and facts: Distributional effects of global price shocks

The recent upsurge in global prices of essential commodities of food and fuel, warrants an analysis of the distributional ramifications, especially within developing economies. This article examines I...

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What will it take for the Indian economy to break out of the lower-middle-income bracket?

In 2007, India moved from the low-income to lower-middle-income category, as per the World Bank’s classification of countries by income. With clear aspirations to graduate into the higher brackets o...

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Is there public support for higher electricity prices in India?

Even though India´s power sector does not generate enough electricity to meet the rapidly growing demand, policymakers hesitate to increase tariffs due to popular opposition. This column discusses r...

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Who creates jobs?

With millions of young people entering the labour market each year, the big question is whether there will be enough jobs for them. But who actually creates these jobs? This column looks at data from...

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Bad management: A constraint on economic development?

Are poor management practices holding back middle-income countries? This column looks at the evidence for private firms and public organisations in manufacturing, retail, healthcare and education in I...

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A case for including migrants' remittances in inter-state comparisons

Gross State Domestic Product, a widely used measure to compare incomes across states in India, does not include migrants’ remittances. This column argues that remittances have a bearing on drawing v...

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Underperforming even in good times

The late Professor Raj Krishna´s term ‘Hindu growth rate’ was an aptly pejorative description of India´s economic performance in the post-independence period. But how has India performed in the ...

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Could railways have done more to aid economic development in India?

Indian Railways celebrated its 160th anniversary last month. This column argues that while railways played a large economic role in British India, it is likely they could have done more to aid economi...

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The challenges of opening up India's capital account

A key objective for any open economy is to avoid a financial or balance of payments crisis – a goal that often calls for trade-offs between liberalisation and maintaining control of the economy. Th...

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Renewable energy and India's future

In the world’s second-most populous country, it is unsurprising that the topic of energy supply should be a key issue – and, in particular, its sustainability. This column completes a series on In...

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The Golden Quadrilateral: Highway to success

The Golden Quadrilateral, which connects four major cities in India, is the fifth-longest highway in the world. This column presents research that finds that by improving connectivity, the highway ha...

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Getting to a greener picture of India's growth story

The Expert Group on Green National Accounting calls for including natural as well as human capital in our national accounts, and defining economic growth in terms of ‘wealth per capita’ instead o...

  • Notes from the Field

The Land Acquisition Bill

Will the new Land Acquisition Bill make protests like those in Singur and Bhatta-Parsaul a thing of the past? Will it make land acquisition so expensive and difficult that the pace of industrialisati...

  • Symposium

The Land Acquisition Bill

Will the new Land Acquisition Bill make protests like those in Singur and Bhatta-Parsaul a thing of the past? Will it make land acquisition so expensive and difficult that the pace of industrialisati...

  • Symposium

Recent Contributors


Rajeswari Sengupta

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research


Prachi Mishra

Ashoka University


Nikhil Patel

International Monetary Fund


Joshua Aizenman

University of Southern California

Gazi Salah

Gazi Salah Uddin

Linköping University, Sweden


Jamel Saadaoui

University Paris 8


Irfan Qureshi

Asian Development Bank


Donghyun Park

Asian Development Bank

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