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Human Development

Learnings from emissions trade in India

India, and many developing nations in other parts of the world take solace in the U-shaped Kuznets curve: a belief in this inverse relationship between income and environmental quality results in not ...

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The future of work from home

With the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, work from home became the norm in 2020. However, even though mobility restrictions have been lifted, many workplaces all over the world continue to follow a m...

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Leveraging digital labour markets to increase employment opportunities

India’s relatively young population, the pace of adoption of smartphones and digital technology, and rapid urbanisation has contributed to the growth of digital labour markets. In recent years, we h...

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CPR-I4I webinar video: A new economic imagination?

Centre for Policy Research and Ideas for India jointly held a webinar on 16 September 2020, to discuss domestic demand specifically in rural India. It built on a recent I4I post by three of the speakers and particularly focussed on agriculture and its interface with rural manufacturing.

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Covid-19: Is it time to decentralise power?

Raghuram Rajan speaks to Econ Film’s CoronaNomics show, on the merits of de-centralised governance in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, how local authorities can be empowered, and the risk of a new financial crisis led by emerging markets.

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Webinar video: The Covid-19 shock

The Covid-19 pandemic and the containment measures adopted to check the spread of the disease, have caused an unprecedented economic crisis in India as well as the rest of the world. Further, India is experiencing a massive humanitarian crisis, exemplified by the scale of reverse migration that is i...

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IGC Panel Discussion on gender and education: From policy to practice

The International Growth Centre, in collaboration with the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI), the Gender Resource Centre (GRC), the Women Development Corporation of the Government of Bihar, and the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3), organised a panel discussion on Gender and Education in P...

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Webinar video: The new Coronavirus and the Indian economy

The global pandemic has created a terrible trade-off for every country between an economic crisis caused by a shutdown of the economic activity and a health crisis and fatalities as the healthcare system gets overwhelmed. The burden of the economic hardship is unbearably heavy on the poor. This is e...

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IGC Panel Discussion: Women’s economic empowerment

In December 2019, the India Programme of the International Growth Centre (IGC), organised a panel discussion on ‘Women Economic Empowerment: Constraint & Solutions’ in Patna, in collaboration with Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI); Gender Resource Centre (GRC); Women Development Corpor...

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IGC Panel Discussion: Gender and labour

Latest official data show that female labour force participation (FLFP) in India has declined from 33.1% in 2011-12 to 25.3% in 2017-18. The state of Bihar has the lowest FLFP in the country. To deliberate on the issue of de-feminisation of the labour force, a panel discussion was organised in Decem...

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IGC Panel Discussion: Pollution, climate change, and growth in India

In September 2019, the International Growth Centre (IGC) organised a panel discussion in New Delhi to bring together experts to deliberate on issues related to pollution, climate change, and growth in India. The panellists for the discussion were Michael Greenstone (Energy Policy Institute at the Un...

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IGC Panel Discussion on gender: Equality and empowerment

In August 2019, the India Programme of the International Growth Centre (IGC) – in collaboration with the Women Development Corporation (WDC), Government of Bihar, and the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) – organised a panel discussion on gender in Patna to bring together experts to di...

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IGC Panel Discussion: Should electricity be a right?

In September 2019, the International Growth Centre (IGC) hosted a panel discussion in New Delhi to bring together experts to discuss whether a basic minimum quantity of electricity should be available to all and what action could be taken to solve the problem of restricted power supply. The panellis...

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Expanding opportunities in India’s labour market: Gender, skills, and migration

In September 2019, the International Growth Centre (IGC) organised a panel discussion in New Delhi to bring together experts to deliberate on the evidence around the causes of low female labour force participation, the drivers of rural-urban migration, and policy opportunities for skills development...

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IGC Special Lecture: To be or not to be

In December 2019, an international conference on ‘Closing the gender gap: Health, education and economic opportunities’ was held at Patna, Bihar. Development economist and activist, Devaki Jain, delivered a special lecture on gender equality, in which she dealt with the question: Should we measu...

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