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Posts by Oriana Bandiera

अच्छी नौकरियों की खोज में सहायता : युगांडा में शोध से प्राप्त साक्ष्य

ऐसी नीतियाँ बनाने के लिए जो श्रम-बाज़ार में प्रवेश करने वाले युवाओं को अच्छी नौकरियों की ओर ले जाएं, नौकरी खोज प्रक्रियाओं को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। यह समझना भी महत्वपूर्ण है कि इनका लाभकारी रोज़गार खोजन...

  • लेख

Aiding the search for good jobs: Evidence from Uganda

To design policies that lead young labour-market entrants to good jobs, it is important to understand job search processes and what affects the ability to find gainful employment. Based on an experime...

  • Articles

What do Indian CEOs do?

While the Indian manufacturing sector has experienced rapid growth since the early 1990s, it is characterised by large productivity differences across firms and presence of several low productivity f...

  • Articles

Creating entrepreneurs: A big new idea in development

Can the world’s poorest people become entrepreneurs? This column outlines results from an evaluation of the Ultra Poor programme in Bangladesh, a scheme that the NGO behind it claims is a staggering...

  • Articles

What do Indian CEOs do? Time Use of Indian Top Executives: Determinants and Implications for Growth

This project presents evidence on the labour supply of CEOs, and on whether family and professional CEOs differ on this dimension. It does so through a new survey instrument that allows it to codify C...

  • IGC Research on India