Tag Search: “higher education”

‘Missing’ women in economics academia in India

Economics continues to be among the male-dominated disciplines in the US and Europe. Collating and analysing data from India on university faculty, research presentations at a major annual conference,...

  • Articles

International Women’s Day 2021

8 March is observed across the world as International Women’s Day. This year the theme is “choose to challenge”, focussing on the choice to challenge gender bias and inequality, celebrate women's achi...

  • Perspectives

Caste gaps in behaviour and personality traits: A study of university students

While numerous studies have examined gaps in health and educational outcomes across castes, there is little evidence on caste gaps in behavioural preferences and personality traits. Based on incentivi...

  • Articles

Preferences or expectations? Understanding the gender gap in choice of college majors

A multidisciplinary literature – mostly focused on the US – shows that choice of majors among college students is gendered, and females are particularly under-represented in math-intensive fields. Bas...

  • Articles

Disparity in access to quality education and the digital divide

On account of the Covid-19 pandemic, most educational institutions in India have adopted online teaching as a solution to offset huge deficits in instruction hours. However, citizens who do not have d...

  • Perspectives

IGC Panel Discussion on gender and education: From policy to practice

The International Growth Centre, in collaboration with the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI), the Gender Resource Centre (GRC), the Women Development Corporation of the Government of Bihar, ...

  • Videos

IGC Panel Discussion: Women’s economic empowerment

In December 2019, the India Programme of the International Growth Centre (IGC), organised a panel discussion on ‘Women Economic Empowerment: Constraint & Solutions’ in Patna, in collaboration with Asi...

  • Videos

Covid-19: Online classes and the digital divide

As the Covid-19 infections rise in India, there is justified pressure to keep universities closed. Online teaching is something many institutions are contemplating, but do the Indian students have the...

  • Perspectives

Why do parents invest in girls’ education? Evidence from rural India

Adolescent girls in rural Rajasthan frequently leave education early and marry young. This article develops a novel methodology to elicit average parental preferences over a daughter's education and a...

  • Articles

Perceived risk of street harassment and college choice of women in Delhi

In New Delhi, 95% of women aged 16-49 report feeling unsafe in public spaces. This article shows that in order to feel safer, women in the capital city choose lower quality colleges, travel for a long...

  • Articles

Are we prepared for the future of work?

Given the threat of jobs displacement on account of the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, it has become crucial to develop a high-quality labour force with advanced cognitive skills. In ...

  • Perspectives

How do better-ranked colleges help meet India’s skill shortages? Evidence using a regression discontinuity design

This project exploits the variation in the University of Delhi college admission process to estimate the effects of exposure to high-achieving peers on cognitive attainment using scores on standardise...

  • IGC Research on India