Tag Search: “jobs”

Webinar: Impact of Covid-19 on informal and migrant workers in India

The International Growth Centre (IGC), in collaboration with I4I, organised a Webinar on 'The impact of Covid-19 on informal and migrant workers in India', with Jean Drèze (Ranchi University), Farzana...

  • Perspectives

How costly are flawed government responses to Covid-19? An assessment of the migrant crisis

By March-end, countless migrant workers started fleeing India’s locked-up cities and trekking home to their villages amidst the Covid-19 crisis. Sarmistha Pal argues that government’s responses until ...

  • Perspectives

Covid-19: Expected migrant movement as lockdown eases

Since the lockdown was announced in India, many migrants have undertaken the difficult journey to their place of origin. However, millions of them are still in cities, and some are expected to return ...

  • Perspectives

IGC Panel Discussion: Women’s economic empowerment

In December 2019, the India Programme of the International Growth Centre (IGC), organised a panel discussion on ‘Women Economic Empowerment: Constraint & Solutions’ in Patna, in collaboration with Asi...

  • Videos

Covid-19: Ashok Kotwal speaks with Pronab Sen

In conversation with Ashok Kotwal on the ongoing economic crisis caused by lockdown to mitigate Covid-19 spread, Pronab Sen breaks down the problem into survival of individuals and livelihoods, and th...

  • Podcasts

How has Covid-19 crisis affected the urban poor? Findings from a phone survey - I

While several commentators have highlighted the plight of migrants due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, less is known about how low-income families living in urban shanty towns are faring. In this note...

  • Notes from the Field

Covid-19: The infected economy

India, along with much of the world, is now in a lockdown. But the cost of locking down the country is particularly high for the urban poor in India. Besides, the reality of urban living reduces the e...

  • Perspectives

Women in the economy: Emerging issues

As the world adjusts to the new reality brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workspaces of the future may look very different from what they are today. How would these changes impact women? To bet...

  • Perspectives

Covid-19: Are we ready for the long haul? - Part II

In Part I of this piece, the authors made broad recommendations to guide the government’s response to Covid-19 in India. In this part, they identify five salient population groups that are particularl...

  • Perspectives

IGC Panel Discussion: Gender and labour

Latest official data show that female labour force participation (FLFP) in India has declined from 33.1% in 2011-12 to 25.3% in 2017-18. The state of Bihar has the lowest FLFP in the country. To delib...

  • Videos

IGC Panel Discussion on gender: Equality and empowerment

In August 2019, the India Programme of the International Growth Centre (IGC) – in collaboration with the Women Development Corporation (WDC), Government of Bihar, and the Asian Development Research In...

  • Videos

There are none so blind as they who will not see

Based on Government of India’s own data, the government and the community of economists in India have come up with different narratives about the position of Indian economy. In this post, Pronab Sen h...

  • Perspectives